K-pop Lives On

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I loved writing this one. I hope you like it!

I drag my last suitcase down the stairs and pack it into my car. I run up to my mom, giving her a huge hug.

"I'm gonna miss you," I mumble.

"I know, me too," she says, rubbing my back. "You can visit anytime, ok? I'll be here."


"I love you, Ji-Hye. Have fun with your training in Seoul. I know you'll do great,"

"Thanks. I hope so,"

"Ok, now go! You don't want to be late on the first day!" she says, pushing me out the door.

"I'm going, I'm going!" I laugh.

The drive is about 30 minutes to Seoul. I'm training to become a K-pop idol at Cube Entertainment and today is my first day. I have to live in a dorm there. I hope my roommate is nice.

I pull up to the parking garage and scan my card in. I park and walk to my dorm. As soon as I knock on the door, a beautiful girl runs out and hugs me really tightly.

"Hi, roomie! I'm Jeong-Suk and I'm super, super excited to room with you!" she squeals.

"Hi! I'm Ji-Hye and it's super exciting to meet you but our first training class is in 15 minutes, so we need to get going!" I say to her while dragging my stuff inside the room.

"Oh yeah, of course! I almost forgot. Sorry!" she apologises.

"No worries!" I say, as Jeong-Suk walked over to her part of the dorm. I unpack most of my stuff. I change into my training clothes that I brought and pack a water bottle, my phone, and some snacks into a small backpack.

I call Jeong-Suk from the hallway between our rooms, "Ok, ready to go? We can get to know each other on the way."

"Sure!" she says, locking the door behind us.

The 10-minute walk went by fast when I was talking to Jeong-Suk. She is such an interesting person! She grew up in Taiwan but moved here a year ago to become a K-pop idol. She also hates anything spicy which I completely disagree with her on. I can't wait to have a great year with her.

I look up and see how beautiful the clouds are today. I stop but Jeong-Suk doesn't notice and keeps walking. While I stand there staring at the clouds, she stops and waits.

"Ji-Hye, what are you looking at?" she asks, following my gaze.

"Oh, I was just admiring how pretty the clouds are today," I tell her wistfully.

"Yes, they are beautiful," she says with a faraway look in her eyes.

I finally tear my eyes away from the sky and smile at Jeong-Suk.

"Okay, let's go," I say softly. I catch up to Jeong-Suk and we walk away into our futures together.

Have an amazing day!

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