Chapter 4: Faith

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The three of you have been on a hunt for the past few days. Eventually you discovered that you stumbled upon a Rawhead, a type of creature that lives in basements and preys upon children. It was a type of boogeyman creature over in Europe, but a very real creature. From the research you and Sam had to do the things were gross, hairy, leathery skin, they had claws and a pig-like nose. Upon further investigation, you discovered they can be killed by higher electrocution, so Dean had been on the hunt for taser guns. We had found it before you drove over to the old abandoned house. The children had been abducted from the home a week prior from this, you were hoping they were still alive. The boys were quick with their actions, popping the trunk open and grabbing the weapons they needed.

"What do you got those amped up to?" Sam questioned, as Dean grabbed the taser guns.

"100,000 volts." Dean retorted.

"Jesus." You cursed, shaking your head, as you grabbed a gun. You were going to be back up, they were going to go down there and you were going to make sure the kids got out safely, if they were alive down there.

"Yeah, I want this Rawhead extra freakin' crispy." Dean exclaimed. "Remember, you only get one shot, with these things, so make it count." The three of you headed inside, you waited upstairs, looking around the place, it was dark, musty and gross. The boys headed downstairs, flashlights crossed over their guns.

The last week had been uneventful, aside from the case. You caught wind of the missing kids, with no honest idea of what was going on, you headed to Nebraska from Indiana. With what happened with the scarecrow, the boys were thinking it was a sacrifice, but the Rawhead was sloppy. He was some type of spirit creature, you weren't sure what, there was a lot of folklore that said a lot of both. But then we found black sludge in the victims cupboards, though none of the folklore spoke about that but it did talk about him hiding out in cupboards to stalk children before talking to them. You shivered at the thought as you heard a loud bang downstairs and rushed over to the door to see two children rushing through the door.

"Sam!" You heard yelling, your eyes widened, but you rushed over to the children, smiling down at them.

"It's going to be alright, we're here to help." You spoke, calmly, picking up the little girl, and ushering the little boy out the house. He moved quickly and you pressed the little boy into the back of the Impala as you set the little girl down, before putting her inside. "You two stay here, no matter what, okay?" You addressed, the two nodded, as you turned around running back inside.

"Sam!" You yelled.

"Call 911!" Sam shouted.

"What happened?!" You urged, trudging down the stairs as you saw Dean unconscious, as Sam was holding him in his arms. You were quick to call the police, as you kneeled down next to Sam, your arm moved around him as your hand went to Dean's neck, trying to feel for a pulse. You let out a breath as you felt one there, at least he wouldn't need CPR, he was alive, just unconscious.

You worked diligently coming up with a story about finding the kids in the basement, as the three of you had been wandering around town, going in when you heard screams. Then Dean getting hurt in the aftermath, Sam was pulled aside to deal with insurance while they continued to ask you questions. You wrapped your arms around yourself as you looked back, seeing Dean's doctor as Sam stepped away from the nurse as he handed them a card.

"Excuse me." You breathed.

"Of course, thank you." The officer replied, nodding as you offered them a short smile. You walked over with Sam and the doctor nodded to you.

"Hey, Doc, Is he--." Sam began.

"He's resting." The doctor informed, a solemn look on his face.

"And?" Sam pressed. You felt your heart sink your chest, all you wanted to do was hug him.

I Know Places - Book 1 of Getaway Car series - Unedited VersionWhere stories live. Discover now