Part 3

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Part 3

Six months later


It's weird being married to a man like Mac he's two different people when he's taking Meth which he mainly does it while he's cooking which is every few days so he can't fall asleep. I get the fucking of a lifetime when he arrives home he especially likes to have anal sex when he's high something I've grown to love too not that it's any good for making babies which I've been thinking about lately, Mac would be a good daddy because he wants to be though I think he needs to get off the drugs because no child deserves a drug-addicted father or mother for that matter of fact not that I'm on Meth but I have tried grass that Mac brought home he was okay with me doing grass but he doesn't want me to go any harder, and you know what neither do I, I've seen what it does to Mac.

I've become a good little housewife, Mac likes me staying home I know he always has someone watching me like he doesn't trust me when I've never looked at anyone else, I wish he'd have faith in my love for him that I won't stray. Over these past six months, I've grown to love him, he doesn't always let me kiss him but we can't keep our hands off each other.

I'm slowly changing the way the house looks gone are all the pictures of spiders after seeing Walter's chest I know there's a story there one Mac doesn't want me to know about, replaced with a light shade of pink and Mac and I went furniture shopping and we got a new bedroom suite and a new couch, Mac says that he doesn't recognize the place anymore that I'm changing it for the better, but he's the one who allows me to do it as it's his money.

He must be starting to trust me as he took me to what he calls his secret cave the one that Walter doesn't know about under the provision that I am never allowed to say anything to anyone. There was a smell of something like rotting meat Mac just said that it was a dead animal but the chemicals from making the Meth covers the smell so I thought nothing of it. But what if it was something more what if it was a body decaying and Mac caused it could I handle that? I already handle so much more than a regular wife would handle what with the drug making, dealing, and taking what's one more thing.

Mac's been gone these past few days and I miss him I've gotten used to him being around I think I might ask him if I can use one of my toys when he is gone because my princess parts get tingly when he's away. I don't need his permission but I think that he should know that I'm looking after myself while he is gone, maybe I could call him when I am I'm sure he'll enjoy it.

I walked into the bedroom undressed then opened the bedside drawer looking for the right toy I found my favorite throwing it on the bed I undressed and made sure my phone was close by I called Mac and he answered.

"Hey wifey, what you doing calling me."

"Well I'm missing you and my fingers aren't enough I need to fuck something so can I use one of my toys." I rub the toy between my lips making sure it gets wet.

"Are you being naughty?"

"Yes, Mac I miss your big old cock. Hmmm, yes that's it baby fuck me." I placed the phone on my chest as I slowly thrust the dildo into me and my other hand cups my breast twisting the hard nipple.

"You need to do that in front of me sometime. Do you need me to come home? My girl missing me huh?"

"Yes, Mac." Then I hear the slapping sound of Mac wanking himself, I love watching him play with himself. I wish I was there on my knees on the dirt floor so he could cum all over me. I moved my hand down my body and started rubbing my clitoris I wish Mac was here. "OH GOD! THAT FEELS SO GOOD CUM FOR ME BABY! Pretend I'm there sucking that beautiful cock of yours."

"Yeah, suck that cock Melanie. Oh fuck me I'm close."

"That's it baby cum all over me. OH GOD YES! I'M CUMMING! I WISH YOU WERE HERE MAC!"

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