chapter 1

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I could only blankly stare at the papers before me as a tear fell from my cheek, smearing the fresh ink that formed my name. 

As they were taken away and handed to the people sitting on the stands before me, it felt like I was falling…

The feeling was similar to that day. Yet also so different. The same overwhelming sense of dread and loss that washed over me, the sinking feeling in my gut, the fear of the unknown... All those feelings matched, despite the circumstances being the complete opposite.

My daze was partially broken at the sound of someone clearing their throat. Lifting my chin to look forward I found myself facing the 6 court deities. Just like before…

“With the support of both the minister of defense, and the votes of dozens of krosian officials, the law to disband the penal colony upon the world of xanadis and cease all future criminals from being exiled to the planet shall be in effect immediately.”

“In addition to this, xanadis will now be sanctioned as a preserve, void of any more krosian interference without official approval of the head of state affairs, our minister of defense, and of course our head of  research. With these new laws in mind All further expeditions, and science regarding the planet shall be put on hold until the seventh court deity position is no longer compromised.”

No eyes even once glanced at the empty seat at the end of the stand.

The first court deity stood up from his seat, adjusting his glasses as he finished reading the documents before him and proceeded to stamp them. “As of this day, no human shall be permitted to step foot on the alien planet of xanadis without facing severe consequences or persecution.”

With that everyone started gathering their things and the silent room was filled with the soft mutterings of officials as they prepared to leave.

My eyes followed the signed document as it was passed from the first court deities hands to a record keeper. And placed into a file folder to be taken elsewhere. 

“Alita.” A voice called out to me and I flinched, my head snapping to the figure behind me, as their hand touched my shoulder.

The sight of a familiar face helped calm my nerves only slightly as he looked at me worriedly. Varin.

Blinking a few times, I turned away from the podium and didn't say a word as I made my way out of the courtroom.

It's funny how similar this was to that day…only this time I wasn't being escorted out by guards, and in handcuffs. 

I was free. Yet I've never felt more trapped…

“Are you okay?” Varins concerned voice pulled me from my momentary turmoil. 

Turning back to look at him I didn't quite know what to do or what to say. Looking at his hand I saw he was still holding my mother's circlet. 

“Yeah. I'm just tired is all. I think I'm going to go back to my quarters.” I gave a reassuring smile to him before turning away. I only managed to take a few steps before a hand grabbed my wrist to stop me. 

“Alita, please. Just don't shut me out okay? I'm here for you, you're not alone anymore if you need anything just tell me! If your angry then go ahead and take it out on me i won't blame you–”

My chest ached at those words. ‘Not alone anymore’? I've never felt more alone than I do now. Being so far away from my friend and from Azriel. All The people I care about and will never see again. Varin really is all I have left.

Glancing back to varin I could see officer Zena coming up Behind him with two of her security guards. “I just need some time alone.”I spoke quietly before turning my gaze away and started walking down the hall.

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