"My god, Weasley! You scared the living hell out of-" Estelle tried to finish her sentence but her words were muffled by his palm. She resisted the urge to spit on it so he could take it off, instead, her eyes looked with his reflecting pure disdain.

"Shh..." George pulled her closer to his body, taking both of her shoulders and turning her around. Her back was now touching his broad chest as their heavy breathings synchronized in a calm rhythm.

Filch's cat, Mrs Norris, meowed close to them and Estelle could've sworn the pure sound of the little creature made her shiver in fear.

Apparently, George had noticed the sudden movement and ran two soothing fingers up and down her arm slowly. As soon as the girl felt the electricity of his touch sending even more shivers down her spine than her fear did she hit the back of his hand to make him let go.

"Unnecessary." He whispered in her ear, she only shushed him in return which made the corner of his lips curl up though she wasn't even looking at him.

When the footsteps ceased and the cat cries were just a disgusting thing to think of, they finally took a step outside the veil.

"What the hell are you doing out this late?" George asked her and it sounded more like a complaint.

"Am I not allowed to?" She asked him in return, "Perhaps, I should be the one asking you that question," Estelle finished.

"What do you think I was doing?" He retorted with sarcasm, if anyone knew the Weasley twins at least a little bit, they would've known curfews were not something they were afraid of.

"Ah, of course, I'm running from Filch and he probably was running from you..."

"Bingo." He clicked his tongue.

"Anyway, aren't you always with the other one?" It was weird for the Weasley twins to show up separately. Somehow throughout the years, this was the first time she saw one of them being on his own, and it was just as unpleasant as seeing them together.

"Oh, Elle, as smart as you are, your lack of common sense never fails to surprise me,"

At the comment, Estelle turned around and decided to walk to the common room on her own instead of keeping this stupid chat. She internally admitted her question was not the smartest one because of course, even when she knew nothing about pranking, it was obvious that they couldn't be together to not get caught.

Soon, the girl noticed she had absolutely no idea about how to get back.

George did his best not to laugh at her lack of knowledge of the castle. Since he and Fred had probably been on every single corner, she assumed they'd already mastered all of the places, including some secret passageways here and there.

"Lost?" He snickered.

As much as Estelle hated losing, she couldn't deny how lost she was. Thankfully, George had mercy (for the first time in his life), and didn't wait for her to answer the question.

"Just follow me, Elle"

"No," Truly for Estelle, being lost sounded way better than having to walk with the idiot for more than five minutes.

"Fine then," He shrugged. "I'll make sure to tell Lupin how his daughter was up late--" Estelle parted her lips to object but he kept talking not minding her efforts, "--and wandering around the castle unprotected." George turned around and started walking away but soon, her voice stopped him.

"That's not fair!" She exclaimed while trying to catch up with his long-legged steps.

"You're too easy" He attempted to wrap one arm around her shoulders but her reflects were quicker so she stepped away i

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