Please, Be Careful! It's Hot!

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This is my first fanfiction on Wattpad, so I hope I'll have at least a few reader, and I also hope you folks enjoy my story!

I'm a bit worried about totally butchering Ushijima's character, since I'm not very familiar with his character, but I want to get better as time goes on!

I would like to ask for anyone who enjoys my story to support me, and that I will try my best!

Thank You For Your Time,









Sakamichi Takeru, age eighteen, worked at a family owned coffee shop for various reasons.

The first was that she needed a part-time job on her collage applicant form to make herself look better. The second was she wanted a little extra cash to save up for future endeavorments, and the third was, well, because of the very, very attractive guy person that would punctually walk in at 6:00 in the morning, every morning, on the dot.

He was tall, broad-shouldered, attractive, and loved his coffee black, which she found awesome for reason or another.

Anyways, she thought he was pretty interesting.

She smiled as he opened the door, at precisely 6:00, wearing his normal white and maroon sports jacket with matching sweat pants boldly stating the name 'Shirotorizawa' in a very large, impressive font, also adorning his usual stoic look as he approached the counter.

"Morning," She hummed, "Heading to practice?"

He nodded, stifling a discrete yawn as he put down 500 yen, "Inter week..."

Sakamichi nodded as she poured him some coffee (any kind of coffee is what he told her the first couple of time, just as long as it's black) in a styrofoam travel cup, handing it to him with the mandatory statement of, "Please be careful, okyaku-sama, it's very hot!" and then handed her customer his 150 yen in change.

He stared at her for a moment, with a very bland look. "You always say that. Do you not think it is self-explanatory that the coffee is hot?"

"Wow," The short-haired girl grinned as she put her hands on her hips, and while her posture would usually claim annoyance, Takeru was, in reality, throughly amused by the emotionless look he was giving her, "Aren't you blunt?"

He nodded seriously, "So I've been told..."

Sakamichi laughed as she leaned over the counter giving him a pleasant, although a bit weird, scrunched up face, "I have to say that or my boss'll get mad at me. No one likes a mad boss."

"I suppose." He noted dully as he swirled his coffee cup around.

The auburn haired girl stared at him, slightly perturbed by the seriousness in his voice. "Hey," She chirped merrily, in hopes of having some of that professionalism melted away with a touch of enthusiasm, "What sport do you play? Basketball? Volleyball? ...Baseball?"

"Volleyball." He confirmed.

She nodded, noting his immense stature, "Well, then, Mister Volleyball Player, you have morning practice everyday? Because you get here awfully early, yeah?"

"No," He stated as it took a sip of coffee, cringing slightly as he did, "I do not have volleyball practice every morning."

Sakamichi held in a smirk, noticing his momentary flinch, "Is it hot?"

"Yes. Very."

"Well then, perhaps the whole, 'Please be careful, the coffee's hot!' thing isn't so meaningless after all... no?"

He gave her a bemused look, which, in turn, made her laugh. After a brief fit of giggles, she gasped, thwapping her right fist into her left palm in some sort of Eureka moment. "Oh, that's right! We were talking about volleyball... uh... ah... what was it again... Right!" She smacked her thigh with a 'Silly Me!' kind of expression, "Why do you hang 'round here every morning? I mean, you don't have practice-why come?"

"The coffee's good." Her murmured as he took another sip of the scalding liquid, muttering under his breath slightly as he stared fiercely at the styrofoam cup in his hands.

Takeru snapped her fingers, pointing lazily at him, "That... would probably explain that... yeah. But seriously, couldn't you go to another one every now and then?"

He glanced up from staring at his coffee with a raised eyebrow. "Would you prefer that I give my money to some other coffee house?"

"No, no, no! Of course not, dearest customer from whom I get my paycheck!" She exclaimed, waving her arms around frantically. "We need your patron ship!"

He (she really needed to ask for his name) snorted as he adjusted his backpack, wiggling his eyebrows up and down really weird-like.

"...You okay?"

"Excuse me?"

"Your eyebrows... they're like facial caterpillars..."

He wiggled his eyebrows again, "Is that so?"

"Phhhttt-!" Takeru snickered as she saw his eyebrows dance again, "I mean, seriously, they look like they're partying or something! Why're they doing that?!"

His eyebrows did a little dance, and Takeru snickered again, "I suppose it's because I can't decide whether to leave them up," He raised his eyebrows, "Or down." As he lowered them, the auburn haired girl laughed as she poured another travel cup full of coffee.

"For that performance, I, Sakamichi Takeru, give you..." She glanced at him expectantly, giving him the, 'I Need Your Name To Finish This Sentence' face.

"Ushijima Wakatoshi."

She gave a victorious huff of delight as she trotted out from behind the counter, putting the cup in his vacant right hand (his left was holding the other cup, of course),"-Ushijima Wakatoshi-san an extra cup of coffee-on the house!"

He stared at her, then the coffee, then at her again, giving her a skeptical look. "Are you allowed to do that sort of thing...?"

She waved a hand, "Sure I am!" She put a hand over her mouth leaning towards him secretively, "Just don't mention this to my boss or he'll kill me."

He gave her a bland look, which she in turn responded to with the delighted and annoyingly pleasant upturning of her lips. "...Sure."

"Thanks a bunch!"

With one last look (that seemed a lot like a scowl, to Takeru's dismay) Ushijima turned.

"Goodbye," He said neutrally, with this sort of disheartening monotone voice, and nodded politely at her as he turned the door knob.

"Until next time!" Takeru called cheerfully as he exited, stealing a look at her wrist-watch as she turned to get more coffee grounds.

"Woah, it's already 6:30... Usually he's only here for ten minutes tops..." Takeru put a hand to her tousled mop of short auburn hair, ruffling it with slight amusement.

"Well, I suppose I should get to work. Have another hour and a half left in my shift after all..."

Takeru then went about her morning routine, though disturbed because of her chattery self, cleaning the counters and coffee grinders, greeting customers and making any sort of morning beverage her paying guests desired.

Well that was just until she had to head to Shirotorizawa High School at 8:00.

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