The Blue Rose

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James and Lily's friendship slowly began to grow. 

It started off by simply saying "hi" in the hallways. Then it evolved to James regularly attending the book club meetings. Soon they were best friends and had sleepovers and a secret hang out spot all to the amusement of the mothers.

However, as their friendship strengthened, both got more and more nervous about their secret powers. Each desperately wanted to tell each other but they couldn't for separate reasons.

Lily was scared that her new best friend, the one who stood up for her when she wanted to play kickball with the boys and gave her part of his lunch when she was sad because Petunia argued with her, would leave her and call her a freak.

James was constantly wishing he could tell her all about the Wizarding World but to him, she was a muggle and could know nothing of his life. His even greater dream was that she was a witch and they could both go to Hogwarts together and he wouldn't have to leave her when September rolled around.

Finally, when Lily was blanking at what to get him for his birthday, she decided to give him a magic gift. She knew the gift had to be superb because his to her was amazing. They always met behind a bush where there was a small area that was hidden to the outer eye but had a small alcove that they dubbed as the "Secret Spot." For her birthday, James had his dad clean it out and cast a disillusion charm on it so it was really invisible. To top it all off, he installed a compartment in the ground where he stored all sorts of snacks.

Lily thought this was the best gift she ever got and resolved to make hers just as good. 

Her mom was a talented artist and she herself took lessons on how to paint. The whole gift was based on how she had found James crying in the Secret Spot about how he was forced to wear glasses a week ago. To comfort him, Lily and her mom worked together to paint a photo of James with his new glasses on and once she deemed it accurate, added the final touch.

Taking a deep breath, Lily willed herself to focus on what she wanted to do. Having never intentionally used her powers, it was difficult for her to get what she wanted. But Lily was to dedicated and prideful to give up until it was perfect.

Finally, after spending a couple hours in her room the day before James's birthday, she mastered how to make the painting come to life. Satisfied, she watched as it waved, blinked and yawned with a feeling of accomplishment. 

But, seeing as she didn't want his parents and other people to see a moving, living painting, Lily taught Painting-James to be so eerily still that even her perfectionist eyes couldn't detect a trace of movement.

When March 27th arrived the next day, Lily was ecstatic to see her best friend's reaction.

Contrary to his usual birthdays, James was feeling quite nervous. After having an exhilarating laser tag birthday party with his guy friends, he was dreading seeing Lily. This was because he was planning on telling her about magic. James couldn't keep it in anymore and he was leaving in a few months so he might as well tell her the truth now before he had to lie.

Pacing in his room in new Gryffindor red shoes, James debated on how he would tell Lily. 

Deciding on surprising her with a growing rose, her favorite flower, James started practicing. Unfortunately, whenever he managed to produce the plant, it always turned up bright, royal blue. Frustrated, he voted to leave it how it was because after all, it was her favorite color.

Lily was carefully wrapping the box which contained the painting in a brilliant crimson. With her mother's help, she had plaited her hair in two delicate dutch braids and wore white jean shorts and the new flower blouse she got. Once done taping the gift expertly, Lily kissed her mother on the cheek goodbye and set off walking to the Potter house with the box under her arm. She didn't bother with a card because she intended to talk to James herself. Or at least, that's what Lily told herself when she realized she forgot to get him a card.

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