Hear Me Out

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Camirya's POV
As I was standing in the kitchen, meal prepping. I checked my phone to see what time it was. I wanted to make sure that I have enough time to relax before my date tonight. Jasminae walked into the kitchen with a smile on her face.

"Girl what you cheesing for", I asked her with a playful glare on my face
"Ohh girl, Metri just been showering me with attention", she smiled
"Giirlll", I said shaking my head with a smile
"Speaking of.. Malachai asked about you", Jas mentioned
"For what?", I raised my eyebrow in response
"Listen, you know you my girl for life and I know he lied but Messiah and Malachai are the complete opposite and you know it.", she expressed
"Its not happening and that's that", I stated firmly
"Fine", she said raising her hands up in surrender
"Besides, I gotta date", I said packing up my meals and putting them into the fridge
"You're not going to like him I just know it", she said
"That's because you don't like anybody plus its just a date. I ain't fucking him, its literally just a date" I said truthfully with a shrug. "Matter fact, aren't you the same person to tell me not to fall for these niggas? You and Oaklyn said the same thing. She's in a successful relationship , and you cheesing over attention. Yea okay" I said to her
"Ain't nobody falling for nobody", she said lying through her teeth
"Mmhm... sure. Anyways enough about that. What are you doing today", I asked her since I had nothing to do until later
"I'm not telling you because you will judge me", she said turning her head playfully
"Well I can't make no promises", I responded truthfully
"I'm going out with Demetri", she said covering up her eyes
"Giiirrllll!!!", I responded to her with a laugh. "I'm not judgmental. That's you, and hypocritical. I love you thou but giirrllll", I laughed
"I know... I gotta stop", she said shaking her head

Jasminae's continued texting her boo as I cleaned up the kitchen. I went upstairs and started cleaning up my room. I decided to turn my phone on silent so I could clean with no interruptions while I played music. After about a good 2 hours of cleaning, I went into my closet and decided to pick out my outfit. If we're being honest, I was not feeling this date tonight. I wanted to be under Malachai but I had to stand on business. What happened wasn't fair to me and it only makes me wonder what else is he hiding from me. Whatever, that's not important right now. I steamed my dress and set my makeup stuff up for tonight. I have about 4 hours to spare so I can take a nap.

Oaklyn's POV
I had just walked into the house, and was met by my mother. I rolled my eyes, forgetting that I gave her a key. I already had a long day at work, and Hubby is on a business trip. I don't need this at all.

"Mom what are you doing here", I asked her with a soft sigh
"You gave me a key remember?", she said sarcastically
"For emergencies only... what daddy do now?", I folded my arms as I stood behind the bar in my kitchen
"Your dad cheated again", she said giving her sob story yet again
"And you're still with him... what's new?", I rolled my eyes making myself a stiff drink
"Girl, don't disrespect me. I am your mother", she felt the need to remind me
"Let me explain something to you... I am 30 years old, and we have not talked in 6 months. You're not about to come into my house and tell me how to talk to you. I would never disrespect you as a mother but ima tell like it is as a woman. You been with my daddy for what 45 years, and you're still crying about him cheating on you. Don't use me and Cammy as an excuse to stay because we grown AND not to mention you kicked her out the house at 16. He's cheated on you 4 times, you cheated back 2 times. So no, I'm not about to listen to this sob story of yours. Ohh and let's not forget Cammy don't even know her real daddy because you wouldn't let her see him because you didn't wanna get exposed and let her hate you more than she already does. So no suck it up, put your big girl panties on and either leave or sit in it like you been doing since the beginning", I said honestly
"Your dad is good man, he has always made sure we were good. Idk if I wanna give that up", she said
"Giirrrllll, bye mama. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed. You can let yourself out", I said scarfing down the rest of my drink, put the glass into the sink and going upstairs leaving my mother downstairs by herself.

I love my mother to death but sometimes, she erks my nerves. Whatever, I took me a hot shower and got ready for bed. Tomorrow I'm off so I'll be able to do something for myself before hubby comes home.

Camirya's POV
My alarm went off at 5:30, I rolled out of bed. I honestly did not feel like going but ima suck it up and just put myself out there. Plus for some reason, something was telling me to go. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water to take a hot shower. I washed my body as visuals of me and Malachai continued to pop up into my head. I tried to shake it, but nothing was working. It took me about 2 hours to get ready. Once I was satisfied with my outfit, I walked downstairs to see Demetri and Jasminae sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Oooh you look cute sis!", Jas said to me
"Thank you girl, wassup D", I greeted Demetri as he was sitting there damn near cheesing
"Wassup sis", he gave me a head nod
"I will text you when I get there. Bye! Love y'all", I said leaving out completely out of earshot
"She's either gonna be mad or happy", Jas said to Demetri
"If he texts me then we have our answer", he responded to her in confidence

I got into my car and backed out of the driveway. The restaurant was about 15 minutes from me. I didn't mind driving because I don't know the man I'm going on a date with. Granted, I didn't know Malachai like that either but i felt safe with him immediately and to be realistic we were talking for about two months but that's in the past. I pulled up to the restaurant, it was a nice restaurant called The Cheesecake Factory , I've been here before and their cheesecake is to die for. I parked my car and went inside of the restaurant. I told the Hostess my name and she led me to the table. I'm guessing he's there waiting for me which is kinda weird. I don't know, I'm already not liking the vibe. Once I got there he stood up to greet me with a bouquet of blue and purple Hydrangeas. I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Hey Adonis", I said hugging him as he passed me the bouquet of flowers
"Hello Beautiful, how are you", he asked pulled away and letting my chair out for me
"I'm good, well rested.", I said to him with a smile
"You look well rested", he nodded

Yeaaa... I'm not feeling this.. Malachai would never be this boring or bland with me. We would have conversation. I mean, Adonis is making interesting conversation, but its just not the same. I'm honestly just trying my best, but I really wanna go home. About 15 minutes go by and the conversation just got more and more interesting, we started laughing and I was on my second glass of wine and on half of my food. Suddenly we were interrupted by a voice that sounded so familiar to me. I immediately turned my attention to him, and its was Malachai

"Camirya, can we talk?", he said standing there with a huge bouquet of roses and a gift bag
"Uhm.. I'm a little busy if you can't see that", I said to him moving my eyes in the direction of Adonis
"You'll want to hear what I have to say Cammy, Please", he said with softness in his eyes
"She said she good bro", Adonis cutted in
"Adonis.. I got this", I said holding my hand up at him
"Listen, Cam... I'm sorry. I should have been honest from day one. Nothing will excuse my behavior and I understand if it will take you a long time for you to trust me again. We only been talking for two months and they were the best months of my life. I can't lose you more than I already have, please just give me a second chance.. baby please", he explain as his voice started to crack

I looked up at him with soft eyes and took a deep breath and then turned my attention to Adonis, and sighed softly. "I'm sorry...", I grabbed my purse and stood up from my seat and walked closer to Malachai wrapping my arms around his neck, giving him a gentle kiss. He pulled away from my lips after about 2 minutes, placed money on the table for both of our meals and led me out to his car. He opened my door and helped me inside of the car before getting himself. Once he was in, he started the car and drove us to his place. Now I'm not going to lie, I'm not mad at him but he is not off the hook either. He still got some explaining to do but we can get into all that tomorrow.

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