Gym Stress

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Malachai's POV
I jumped out of my sleep due to the alarm going off at 6:45 in the morning. I was so tired. I could barely sleep thinking about Camirya. I could tell that she was still in pain and she was running from her past. I just wanna talk to her and understand but I just know that she won't let me. I finally got out the bed and went to get ready for the gym. It usually takes me about 20 minutes to get myself together before making my protein shake for breakfast, but today it took me almost an hour. I left the house at 7:30 and I didn't get to the gym until about 7:50. My music wasn't even hitting the same for me so I just turned it off and sat in silence for 10 minutes. Once I got myself back on track, I got out of my car, grabbed my bag and proceeded to walk inside the gym. I had a full body session with my homeboy, Demetri, he was on the turf. I walked over to him and dapped him up.

"Wassup bro", I said to him as I dapped him before placing my bag down
"Damn, bro you look tired. What's up with you?", he asked as he paused his music pulling his headphones back behind his ears
"Mann... so you know I took Camirya on a date last night and.. well it started out great until Messiah showed up and that's her ex", I said shaking my head as I stretched
"What does she have to do— ohhhh shit..", Demetri said as the realization began to settle in
"Exactly my point bro. After that, it just went completely left. I'm not gonna lie, I just want to hug her and talk to her bro. I can see myself caring for her for a long time. Idk what it is about her but I have to know this girl bro", I said shaking my head

I turned my head to the right as I'm stretching and damn near screamed. There she was, walking in gracefully as her skin glows in the natural light. I can tell she's been crying. Her eyes were low, red and a bit puffy, God I just wanna hold her. Once me and my bro were done stretching, we went over to the stair master and climbed for 20 minutes. I watched her movement around the gym and it was obvious that she could not focus. Camirya finished stretching and went over to the treadmill and she was just started running full speed. Great, she's on the treadmill right in front of me. I just don't know what to do besides just leave her alone as she requested. After about 20 minutes, we got off the stair master and headed back over to the turf. I took the rest of my pre workout and started hitting the heavy sumo squats. Once Demetri, finished his set. He walked over to Camirya to greet here. Now why would this nigga do that??!

"What's up Miss Big Body", Demetri greeted her with open arms
"Hey", she smiled softly and hugged him, "you good?"
"I should be asking you that", he stated
"I'm alright, just got a lot going on unfortunately", Camirya said with a sigh
"Okay, well I'll let you get through your workout. Come see me after you finish", He said giving her a nod before walking back over to me

As soon as he moved from covering the visual of her, we met eyes. Her beautiful eyes stared into mine with a soft cry for a hug. She looked away and continued her workout. After 2 hours we were done with our workout and Cam walked over to Demetri and I. My heart fell to my ass no cap. Surprisingly she spoke to me.

"Hey", She said to me
"Hey, how are you", I asked her with concern without trying to make it weird
"I'm good, about to go home", she said shortly. "D, you wanted to talk to me?", she asked him
"Ohh no, just needed y'all to talk", he admitted
"Ohh, I honestly just rather not", Camirya said harshly
"Understandable", Demetri nodded
"So, I'm gonna go.", she said before walking away
"Now why would you do that bro?", I asked him out of confusion
"There's a method to my madness, you're welcome", he said grabbing his bag
I shook my head and followed him outside to go to my car.

Camirya's POV

Well that was embarrassing, I didn't want to talk to him let alone know what to say to him. I already made a fool of myself and I personally don't know what to do. I literally just sat in the car for about 15 minutes and cried before pulling off. Once I got myself together I went home. Me and Jassy had the day off so she called my sister Oaklyn to come over. I just don't feel like hearing their mouths about the situation. I finally got home and went inside.

"Heyy stank", Oaklyn said to me as I walked into the house
"Hey, I'll be right back I'm going to take shower real fast", I said avoiding conversation
"Don't take too long", Jas yelled from kitchen while scrambling eggs

I sighed softly, went upstairs to shower, and wash my hair. It took my about 45 minutes. I decided to let my hair air dry since my curls come out a lot better. Once I was finished with getting dressed, I came downstairs to the living room. Jassy had brought my food from microwave and fixed me a mimosa. Best meal to have after a hard workout, but that's just my opinion. I started eating my food, but they just kept staring at me.

"What?", I asked
"You gone talk or do we have to pull it out of you?", Oaklyn asked with her arms folded
"You know we don't do this. What's going on?", Jasminae asked with her head tilted

I swallowed my food and took a deep breath. Here we go...

"Sooo, this there's this guy named Malachai. I met him at the club and we hit it off really well. We worked out at the gym a few times and he even took me out for brunch. Everything was going good until the first date. He took me out to this beautiful restaurant, bought me flowers and just he was amazing that night", I explained with a smile as it slowly faded away the more I thought about the situation. "We were wrapping up and I had to go to the restroom. Once I came back, I saw Messiah standing at the table talking to him. I didn't know what to do except run to the bathroom. I started shaking and crying and at that point I just wanted to go home. I finally came out the bathroom and ended up running into Chi. I tried to ignore him but he would not let me walk away. After continuous fighting with him because he would not let me call an uber, I got in the car and he took me home. I saw him at the gym today and it was just weird
. Demetri tried to get us to talk but I said no", I continued
"Why?", Oaklyn asked me
"I just didn't wanna talk to him, I felt like I already made a fool of myself", I said
"You did", Jasminae said with an 'as a matter of fact' tone
"Well thanks for that", I said rolling my eyes
"Nah because you know how we get down. You do this every time when someone comes around. You find a reason to stop talking to these guys and then you turn right around and be mad when they fully cut you off. Messiah hurt you and I get that but Cmon Cammy, get it together", Oaklyn said firmly
"How does he know him?", Jas asked me
"They use to be friends until he found out what Messiah was doing to me but he didn't know that I was the one being treated that way. Talking about he wish he could have been there to save me", I answered
"That's not his fault and you know it, so stop making it seem like it is", Jas said
"Go talk to that man and apologize to him", Oaklyn suggested
"Hell no, go call him and tell him to pull up so y'all can have a face to face conversation", Jas corrected
"Fine", I said

I finished eating my food, then grabbed my phone to call Malachai. My heart started pounding as the line continued to ring. I could feel it, he's going to decline my call, I just know it.. wait what?

Her Past to His Futureحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن