CHAPTER 2: Bad Things

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don't blame me if I day dream about her all the time I mean why won't I ?, She is a goddess made with carmel skin ,her long  brown curly  hair cupping her oval shaped face matching perfectly with her dark brown eyes.

long slender body  tiny waist firm breast and a round butt to compliment her  , she was perfect and prom is In the next two days  I have been thinking about asking her to the dance but I have never spoken to her before.

I seriously don't know what to do most times I have tried talking to her but  any time she turns to looks at me I just freeze like a deer in headlights .

Gosh ! She is the reason I'm alone and masturbate I think I am in love.

So today i have decided that I am going to ask her out

*Bell rings*

"So guys make sure you submit your projects on my desk first thing tomorrow morning have a goodnight everyone"

The teacher said snapping me out of my day dream  I sighed picking up my back pack  and headed out the class for my locker  I was just halfway to my locker when I caught her scent accompanied with her angelic laughter .

I know I know don't judge me like that , I can't say I'm obsessed with her it's too big of a word lets just say I'm a simp I think that's better .

" This is my moment " I said to my self as I turned and walked up to her .

" Hey Beth how are you umm probably don't know me but we take english maths and twelve more subjects together  I'm the guy who always sits  at the back of the class

" Oh you must be kane right I know you the weird guy "  she said smiling brightly

Wait what!? She knows me, Beth knows my fucking  name , she knows who I am and damn the way my name rolls off her tongue , let's just say I have something to wank over later at night .

" Hello! earth to kane !"  Beth said waving her hands over my face  snapping me out of my daze .

" Oh sorry I'm sorry I just sorta zoned out sorry  ,well I have been meaning to ask you something but I don't know how to put it

" Oh what is it "  she asked moving closer to me her eyes not leaving mine her scent captivating me I  think it's a mix of vanilla and something more , shit!  I Think I'm gonna get a boner

" Umm ye..... Yes about that I was hoping maybe I could take you out and also if you would like to go to the dance with me "

I said, with my eyes closed my little speech rolling out in waves of  gibberish , so I thought but I guess she understood me

" Sure I would love to go out with you and also I'll be honoured to go to the dance with you "

I opened my eyes in complete disbelief to see her flashing her billion dollar smile at me

" Really ! I.........I can't believe this thank you so much you won't regret this , so starbucks it is?"

I said breathing heavily  my heart thumping with joy

"It's a date then " she said winking at me and I swear I felt my cock twitch

" Alright baby sorry I mean Beth see you at five , I'll make  sure I call you "

I said as I turned to walk away

" Wait ! "  She yelled stopping me in my tracks

" Yes?" I said turning to face her anticipating a kiss

" How are you gonna call me if you don't have my number silly "

She said stretching out a small paper to me which had her number on it

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