"Okay. Girls, I need to ask you two a favor. A big one."

Nya frowned. "What?"

"The orphanage is hiring and I want to work there. Lloyd said I could but only if you two work with me."

Harumi stared. "Are you serious?"


"We could do that," Nya said. "It will get us away from the boys so we can help Harumi plan." She paused. "While helping the kids," she added.

I thought for a minute. "That's sounds good."

The kitchen door opened and Morro came in. He paused when he saw us. "What are you girls doing?" He asked.

"Y/n was just telling us that we're going to be working at the orphanage," Nya said quickly. "We agreed."

He frowned. "Since when do you want to do that?"

"Well, Lloyd said I couldn't work there if Nya and Harumi weren't there," I said. "So I told them and they agreed."

He watched me. "When did you decide to work there?"

"Since staying at home started to drive me crazy," I replied.

"Oh." He thought for a minute. "Harumi, are you sure about this?"

She smiled. "I'd love to work for the orphanage. Helping kids would be great."

He nodded. "Okay. Then I support you." He left the room.

I snorted. "You weren't actually asking for his approval."

She sighed. "I know. But it's nice to know that I have it."

I rolled my eyes. "I suppose. I'll go let the orphanage know we'll be there to work tomorrow." I left the room and went to mine. I sent a quick email then sat on the bed. There was a knock. "Come in," I said.

The door opened and the other Lloyd came in. "Hey, Y/n," he said. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Uh, sure." 

He sat beside me. "So do you remember what we talked about after the war?"

I winced. "Yeah..."

"I still have those feelings."

"I know and I'm sorry. I should have known Liam would kill your worlds Y/n."

"You couldn't have known."

I sighed. "I should have." I paused. "You know I still love Lloyd, right? I'm not  going to divorce him or anything."

"I don't expect you to. I'm not asking that," he said quickly. "I wanted to ask if you knew anyone that would like to go out with me?"

I gave him a thoughtful look as I thought about that. I shook my head. "I don't know anyone yet. But I'll look."

"Thank you."

"What are you looking for in a woman, Lloyd?"

He smiled a little. "Anyone you can find will do."

"Hmm. I'd have to tell them you're from another world. That way they know that you might leave and they have the choice of whether or not to go with you."

He nodded. "Okay." He stood. "Thank you, Y/n."

I shrugged. "What are friends for, right?" I stood up too and hugged him. "I'll make sure you get a happy ending. I promise."

He hugged me back. "Thank you."

That's three times he's apologized to me. "You don't have to thank me. I'm your friend."

He chuckled. "Okay." He stepped back. "Have you spoken to Gaara lately?"

I shook my head. "I haven't kept in contact with anyone who helped us in the war."

"Maybe you should send Wings to him. Let him know that Liam had a stepbrother and he's after you. They might want to help if it comes to a war again."

I nodded. "I will but please don't say that this might come to a war in front of my husband. He's already upset about this as is."

"Because of the baby?"


"Alright. I'll make sure he's not around when I say that." He paused. "Is it true that the others thought he was gay before he started dating you?"

I scowled. "Who told you that?"


I groaned. "I am so going to kill him." I sighed. "Yeah, they thought that." 

My Lloyd walked in. "Hey, Lloyd, Y/n," he said.

Other Lloyd inclined his head. "Hey. I was just leaving." He left the room.

"Scaredy cat," I muttered and got into bed.

"So how did the girls take it?" Lloyd asked as he laid beside me.

"They like the idea. Our first day is tomorrow." I thought for a minute. "When I get home I'm going to send Wings to Gaara so he knows about Loro."

His eyes fell closed. "Good idea."

"Actually, it was other Lloyd who came up with the idea."

"Either way it's a good idea," he muttered.

I grinned. "Do you want me to stop talking so you can sleep?"


I laughed and snuggled against him. "Goodnight."

"Night," he mumbled. We fell asleep.

Love Beats All  (BodyGuard Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now