Chapter Thirty-Two

Start from the beginning

I have a feeling y/n will be looking up recipes for that specifically.

Overall, Riyadh was an amazing time and I'm so happy I was able to perform for my fans there!

But now I'm currently in Delhi, India as I have a show here! I depressingly only have one show here, but at least it's in a stadium that can fit 30,000 people, so that's basically two arena shows combined into one.

I know India is literally the most populated country, so only 30,000 people is nothing, but it's a start at least! It was a struggle to even get to play here schedule wise, so I'm content with one show. Hopefully in the future though I'll be able to focus more on the county and do more shows!

Y/n and I have been having a pleasant time here thus far and I'm excited to see what the crowd will be like tomorrow during my show. Jane told me that when we go exploring tomorrow that we'll have extra security. That doesn't surprise me as the streets are packed and who knows what kind of people are lurking around in the shadows.

Someone could be out to murder me...LIKE MY OWN GIRLFRIEND.

Y/n's probably playing the long game. She's lulling me into a sense of security and right when she has me where she wants, she'll slit my throat and kill me. But little does she know, I'm onto her plan and I'll have a counterattack, killing her instead!

And then I'll cry because I killed her, even if she was going to kill me first.

Ya know, I think that's my cue to go to bed.

8 January 2026


The fans I got to meet beforehand were so unbelievably kind it made my heart melt a million times over. I got such heartfelt gifts and letters and had so many good hugs! They all spoke so highly of me and also my relationship with y/n. A few told me that they got the confidence to come out because of me and that made me a bit emotional because knowing I helped people out with that was amazing.

I hope all of those people are loved so much! Well, I know they're loved so much because I love them!

So after meeting them I did indeed cry in my dressing room as I read over the letters and whatnot. My makeup artist wasn't too happy, but I didn't care because I'm paying her anyway to do my makeup.

Also just walking around the city before the show was nice! Fans came up and were super respectful towards me and all my security. I of course signed some stuff and took a few pictures with them. They've just been so welcoming to me and I can't wait to come back here on another future tour of mine.

Don't even get me started on the show itself. Somehow a huge fan account of mine here set up a whole event for me during the show and thousands of flower petals were thrown my way from the crowd during 'Living Beyond Tomorrow'. I'll never forget that moment as it just felt so surreal.

I gave a really long ending speech to them and expressed my gratitude for them because they all were truly special. They have made my time here a blast and I'm so lucky to have such amazing people support me.

India, I love you <3

11 January 2026

I don't want to say I've had a favorite show on any tour I've been apart of because I don't want to diminish all the other shows...but yesterday's show here in Bangkok, Thailand was CRAZY.

Was it because Lisa was able to join me on stage during the encore and perform with me?


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