Chapter 7

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Lost Love

Chapter 7

~Daniella's POV~

"Explain? Explain what Harry! The fact I trusted you to go out and tour with your friends thinking you were faithful, but only to find out that the entire time you had been lying to me!?" I yelled. I honestly couldn't even believe that the hospital called him, but it was partly my fault for not giving the order earlier. Earlier you were almost dying earlier; I mentally scold myself. All I wanted was for Harry to leave and everybody else to come and take his place. I didn't want to look at his glittering green eyes and fall into his trap; I was honestly done with him and his lies.

"Dani please, just give a chance to explain." Harry pleaded again trying to move towards me as I kept taking a step away from him as he took one towards me.

"Harry, you don't have anything to explain. You went out with a girl, and hoped I wouldn't find out, but I did and now you regret your mistake. End of story." I gave him a fake smile then turned away from him.

"Come on Dani, please!" Harry begs, tears glittering in his eyes.

"Don't call me that." I roughly mumble at him.

"Why not?" He asks me with pain in his strong features.

"Because only people who I know I can trust and would never lie or cheat on me can call me that, from now on you only have the right to call me by my actual name. Now leave me alone Harry." I stated as he stood there silent and still as a statue.

"Dani, I love you and I don't have any right to deny you what you want and if you want me to leave then... I have no right to deny you that. But Dani know that I will always love you! And I will always fight for our love." That's all he said before I left. I didn't realize what I said until after I said it. I didn't mean to hurt him that bad. I know he cheated on me and it hurt but now I hurt him just as much. I fought fire with fire, I felt absolutely terrible. Just as my doubts and regrets start to grow more and more, everyone walks in with small, timid smiles on their faces.

"DANI!!" Darna screamed as she ran to my beside and tackled me into a huge hug.

"Dar...still busied." I simply said as Zayn pulled on his girlfriend's arm.

"Nice to finally see you awake, you gave us quite a scare." Liam said from the right side of my bed. I tried to look him in the eyes, but I had to slightly arch my head towards him.

"But at least she allowed us to finally get a break from touring." Louis stated shrugging his shoulders as everyone scolded him. I laughed and tried to look around him, to see if there was everyone was here, but as I look over Louis's shoulder; I see a familiar blonde walk in panting as he throws himself next to me in bed.

"So-rr-y I am la-te. Was eat-ing- lun-ch!" Niall said panting between words.

"A course Niall that totally is the perfect excuse for everything. Sorry I am late for the concert you guys just stopped to get a bite to eat don't worry it's not like I'm two hours late." I reply sarcastically to the panting little leprechaun laying next to me smiling sheepishly at me.

"Nothing can get between Niall and food when he's hungry." Zayn said laughing at Niall ruffling his hair which now we're barely blonde as his rare roots were starting to show. Had I really been gone that long before the accident Niall had gotten his hair redone only about two months ago. He usually dyes it when his roots grow about an inch or two, now his roots were a good three or four inches grown out.

"Niall your roots are starting to show why haven't you gone and got hair dyed?" I ask him running my finger through his soft hair. I suddenly stop, my fingers deep in his hair as I remember the times Harry used to lay next to me as I ran my fingers through his curls. I would always find a small knot in his hair and I would sit there for hours unknotting it and making sure his hair was knot free. His hair was always soft and warm, every time I ran my fingers through his hair it made me feel warm and cuddly inside. Harry never let anyone touch his hair it was his one demand to the rest of the guys, but I was sometimes openly encouraged by Harry to touch his hair. As the memories about the past seem to fall into my train of thought, I instantly scold myself. No Daniella, you can't fall for him, he broke you, doesn't deserve you.

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