Hyung Suk shrugged his shoulders, " I do not know..."

If was silent as Hyung Suk saw the doctor stop his movements. His back rose and fell, Hyung Suk didn't have to see his face to know the beta was tired of him.

" Then have you been feeling symptoms that you will be getting your heat soon?" he turned around and intertwined his fingers.

Hyung Suk stared at the ground and shrugged his shoulders. There was silence as he sat there in the cold bright room. He saw the doctor not respond and get up from his seat and left the room. Hyung Suk looked at the door before staring at the ground. After a moment he heard the door open and turned to see the doctor with Yakeru.

What's he doing here?

Yakeru looked at him with a troubled look that showed concern. Is that how Yuzuru would look like if he was worried about me?

" Hyung Suk-" the alpha paused and pressed his lips with furrowed brows. He stared at him before asking slowly towards him. He put a hand on his shoulder, " This....is for the best. After this, you won't have to do it with my son anymore if you don't want to."

"There you all go again choosing what's 'best' for me..." he said in a hushed whisper

Yakeru didn't say anything to the mumbled words, it must have been Korean since he didn't understand anything he said.

Hyung Suk looked at Yakeru, " I'll do what you want. Having a kid can't be that bad...."

"Then answer the doctors questions. You don't have to leave the child either. You can live here, or leave. You can go back to school if you want. Don't listen to those fools; they don't have no foresight, you're no danger in my book" 

The alpha smiled broadly and Hyung Suk stared at him. He looked so much like Yuzuru, it was scary. He pressed his lips and nodded.

" My last heat was a few days before my birthday...."

Yakeru nodded in satisfaction, " Tell-"

The alpha stopped and coughed a little. He grabbed his chest and started to cough harder. Hyung Suk grew concerned as he saw the man retch and heard his coughs. He leaned forward and fell to the floor.

Hyung Suk gasped, "Ahjussi! Are you okay?!" the alpha did not look ok. He put his hand on his nose and looked towards the door, " Doctor!! Someone help!"




Hyung Suk walked around the room; he felt really anxious.

What's wrong with him? Should I call Yuzuru or someone else? No, the doctor said to not call anyone.....what do I do?

"Park Hyung Suk" the doctor came with a  stern look.

" Is he okay? Are you sure I shouldn't call any-"

"No. do not call anyone....we're sorry for making you wait, another doctor will take your appointment" the doctor bowed and went to leave.

Hyung Suk grabbed his wrist, " Tell me what's going on? Why shouldn't I tell anyone and what's wrong with my father in-law?!"

He had a guess as to what was wrong, but he just wanted confirmation.

The doctor furrowed his brow and looked to the side with closed eyes before sighing. He moved his hand to take off the grip, but Hyung Suk's grip wouldn't budge.

Hyung Suk scrunched his lips and squeezed harder, " Tell me..."

The doctor narrowed his eyes and grabbed Hyung Suk's wrist and squeezed. Hyung Suk face scrunched up, it hurt but he held the pain in. This was defiantly no normal doctor, but it made sense. His uncle was an example. The doctor tried his hardest to take away Hyung Suk's grip, but it still wouldn't budge.

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