Chapter 3

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I had a little fun writing this chapter. I couldn't help but to keep giggling at myself when I was writing about Ember. She truly doesn't understand half of the things happening, I find it a little cute 😂 I hope you enjoy!! 🖤

"For sighing has become my daily food; my groans pour out like water."

A surge of adrenaline coursed through both of their veins as the chase began.

Ember's heart raced as she tried to solve the map that was his mansion; too many doors to count. And yet, her legs never ceased to exert themselves as she ran faster through the maze.

Coriolanus' footsteps drew near, and she could feel it. His presence alone was demanding.

Acting out of basic instinct, she turned into a random room to her left and hid in the shadows. "Little bird," she heard him tut as his footsteps slowed. "You know you can't fly without those wings."

Trying to gather her composure, she looks around at her surroundings. She had wedged herself between two bookcases, a desk sitting in the middle of the room.

"Great," she thought to herself. She chose his damn office to hide in.

A slow creak in the floorboards outside of the door made her breathing come to a halt entirely. "Ember," he taunted. "Don't forget what happens when I catch you."

She felt a shiver run down her spine as goosebumps scattered over her arms. His voice was as smooth as silk, but has the bite of a snake.

The silence was deafening. And after what felt like an hour of torture, the footsteps disappeared.

Cautiously, she got back to her feet and moved away from the shelves she had squeezed herself in.

Ember had debated on staying there all night. But considering her chosen hiding spot, something told her that she wouldn't be alone in here for long, anyways.

Her hand shakily grabbed onto the doorknob, giving it a small twist. This one little movement was so terrifying, yet exhilarating.

And as she opened the door, there he was, rounding the edge of the corner to come face to face with her shocked expression. "Found you."

Coriolanus thought the squeal that left her was cute. Although, that thought was short lived when she tried barrel through him and make a run for it.

"Ah Ah," he said in a disapproving tone as he latched an arm around her waist and slammed her to the wall. "We had a deal."

The smirk on his face burned a blaze hotter inside her than she ever thought possible.

Before she could consider her actions, or at least attempt to stop herself, she did the unthinkable. Ember spat on his face.

There was a surprise jolt in Coriolanus' frame, his right hand shooting out to latch onto her throat and squeeze.

Ember gasped as she tried to scratch at his hand, terrified that she was about to be strangled to death. "Very, very idiotic move on your part, bird." His free hand swiped at the mess she made on his cheek and looked down at his fingers while his other hand kept her pinned. "You're going to regret that."

Coriolanus didn't even bother wiping it from his fingers before grabbing her waist and throwing her struggling body over his shoulder.

Ember kicked and screamed as he made his way back to her cage. "Let me go!"

"I thought we had an understanding," he chuckled.

"I thought you knew that I wasn't smart."

Such fire she had in her. He guessed raising herself would have that affect. But deep down underneath the shell that she so desperately tried to keep hard, he knew she was just a fragile little thing. A scared little bird trying to find her wings. The wings that he had clipped himself. "Well, well. Look who's learning."

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