"Mom that is not the measurements I told you to put. I clearly said two tablespoons of honey not five, you really should start taking your health seriously" Michael my 9 year old son says to me very sternly.
"Mikey dear a little extra honey won't kill us". I say smugly at him.

"That's what you said after putting extra chocolate , seriously mom you should care about your health ." He says

He's too smart for his age. He never needs any help from me, its mostly me asking him questions. But he does try to act like a kid, he allows me to buy him toys even though he says he doesn't like them. He pretends to not know some things so i can help, i never really know if he's pretending or not.
Right now we are having our morning time, its mostly him reading out ingredients while i try to make whatever he requested.

"Breakfast is served." I say smugly placing a plate of chocolate pancakes in front of him. I kiss his head as ruffle his hair.
"Mum" he whines "I'm to old for kisses" he says whipping off my kiss from his hair.

"Bye honey"i say kissing his cheek.
"Mum" he whines running off to his teacher who's waiting for him.

I sigh as i sit in my car. I'm so tired right now. I work two jobs. They are both waitressing jobs. One in some fancy restaurant and one in a club. Lemme say the club one pays well.

"Hey girl" i say to Laura one of my colleagues. She's kinda of my friend. My only friend.
"Hey sexy" she replies " how's Michael doing? Have you paid the rest of his school fees. You know the pending ones." She asks as we put on our uniform.
"Mikey is fine. I did manage to pay his school fees. Thanks to the tips i made at the club."

We got to work after having a little heart to heart chatting.

"I ordered a chicken salad with quarterly cut lettuce, chicken cut in squares. One carrot sliced in cubes..."some girl said angrily but her boyfriend or whatever cut her off.
"Baby I'm sure she heard you the first time"
" I'm sorry mam , we'll make sure to get your order right".i bow my head before i leave.

Ughh just a way to make my day sour. Working in luxurious restaurants can drain you. The customers are some rich snobby spoiled kids and wives who think they are entitled to everything.

Thank God  my shift is over , it ended at 12 and Michael gets off school at 2. I wait for Laura in my car.
"Let's go shopping. Today its our day off at the club. We might as well go partying"she says happily
"I have a son you know. I can't leave him alone."
"Girl call a babysitter. I need to hook you up tonight. Jeez you need to get laid" she says leaving no room for discussion

" you know I can't. I want to but Mikey comes first. Maybe some other time" i smile at her
"At least tell me you plan on seeing someone. You can't stay single because you have a son. At least get a good fuck"
" believe me I tried, they just don't do it right . I don't even come, i want it the way he fucked Laura does that make me stupid." I ask looking at her.
" no it doesn't make you stupid, i very much understand you"she says. "Lets go shopping for some girl time, a sleep over maybe"
I smile at her.
The him was Michael's father. I remember the night we met. I caught him starring at me several times at the club, not the one I'm currently working at. I was working that night. When I went to the club during my off day i met him again. We would only communicate with our eyes.

It was like a movie. First i was slightly tipsy, then i was dancing with him , then we were fucking and i wake up in an empty hotel room. I didn't even get to know his name.

It's very embarrassing to tell your only child that you don't know his father's name. He pressed and asked for questions of course. I could only describe his features to him. I still remember the way he smelled, like the smell of rain when it hits the dry earth. It was my favorite smell ever since i met him. I still remember the way he would smirk at me from across the room and the rope tatto he had from his index finger to his thumb and how it went all around his wrist. It was a kinky tattoo if you ask me.

"Mom i have something o want to discuss with you." Michael said as we entered our apartment.
"Ok honey whenever you're ready"i say handing him his schoolbag. He went off to his room after greeting Laura who was in the kitchen making I don't know.



"What was it you wanted to talk to me some days ago."i ask Michael .It was a weekend. And we were sitting in the sitting room having icecream. Well i was having icecream, Michael said something about having icecream yesterday.
He hesitated a bit before asking "can you buy me a computer or a laptop?" At first I wasn't sure if that's he wanted to ask.I know my son very well he wanted something else , I decided to go against questioning him.

"Ok sure honey i will buy it for you" i agreed simply
"Thank you mommy" he says

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