Episode 3: Kick the Baby!

Start from the beginning

Yang decided to end this as quick as possible so she turned SSJ4 as Tony and Sun were still sight seeing.

Sun: What's with all the villains and their giant tower of doom?

Tony: I know right, they never even use it for anything.

Quaza: For crying out loud...

Pyrrha: We'll just let them sight see. Let's defeat this Trunks and then go find Baby.

Pan: W-Who are you guys...? Some of you seem like nice people... Are you from other planets?

Quaza: Yes, No, and in between.

Pan: ...OK...?

Quaza, Pyrrha, and Yang started to fight the hypnotized Trunks while Pan was watching from afar. Tony and Sun thought they should take this fight seriously and went to go help and to take a break from sight seeing. Their fight went for 2 minutes as GT Trunks starts to regain his sanity.

GT Trunk: Ugh... I... Pan? What are you doing here?

Pan: Did you snap out of it?! Trunks!

Sun: Don't fall for this guy's tricks! They never go back to normal that easily.

GT Trunks: Tch... I couldn't trick you.

Sun: Aha! Playing dirty... Damn you...other Trunks!

Sun smacked him on the head making him unconscious. All of a sudden A Giant Golden Great Ape dropped from the sky as our heroes were surprised from this turn of event.

Yang: Woah! Space monkeys! No seriously what...?

Great Ape Baby: Well now. There are still people who want to get in my way...

Sun: That's Baby...?! He looks like me but bigger and with stupid clothing.

Quaza: Okay, seriously what is with GT?

Tony: I know, I hate this universe.

Great Ape Baby: Hehehe... My home planet the Saiyans destroyed has been restored. I will parasitize life on other planets and rule the entire universe!

Everyone was fighting Baby while Pan got to Goku as he is now SSJ4, Yang goes to his side and fist bumps before them and the others finish off Baby.

Pan: Grandpa?! What's that form...?

Goku: You did well, Pan. But I'll take it from here...

Great Ape Baby: Goku! So...you're still alive!

Goku: This time, I'm way stronger.

Yang: Hey... call your new form, Super Saiyan 4. That's what my form is called after all.

Goku: I like the ring to that.

they fought for 3 minutes as Baby was starting to loose.

Great Ape Baby: My people the Tuffles... we were made extinct by the Saiyans.

Yang: But still... That doesn't give you the right to hurt the people of earth!

Pyrrha: You should at least care about what happens to the people who live on there!

Great Ape Baby: Earth? Hmph... I don't care what happens to them. I don't care at all!

Sun: You are so darn selfish... You know that?

The pointless fight with Baby lasted for about... 4 minutes. Quaza and Tony knocked him out with Kamehamehas and was in the biggest crater on the planet. Before they decided to do anything with him a wormhole opened up and sucked Baby whole.

Sun: Oh come on! How can the wormhole suck up something big as that!?

Quaza: Let's go find it then!

they were about to leave until goku stopped them so he can thank them for helping pan.

Goku: Hold on. Thanks for helping Pan.

Yang: It's the least we can do.

yang deformed back to her normal form as her top half was gone and hid behind quaza.

Goku: Heh heh. Alright, I gotta go... Bye.

the gang got back to the Time Nest as Yang found a towel to hid her self from anyone seeing her with out a shirt on.

Yang: Note to self, bring spare shirts when I turn SSJ4.

Quaza: Gotcha covered...

Trunks: Welcome back, You did a great job.

Sun: I don't know about that it was probably a... Six out of Ten.

Jaune: We cornered Baby, and now a wormhole? We're in for some serious trouble...

Quaza: Yeah, but, it's not really any of our concern you know.

Jaune: I know... I just wanted to state the obvious.

Quaza: Oh for fu-

Trunks: Well. Guess we'll have to find out. Let's check the next scroll.

Tony: Or we can vacation?!

Pyrrha: No, Tony.

Tony: Your just trying to be relevant today, aren't you.

Pyrrha: ...yes, yes I am.

Tony: Yeah that's what I thought.

Suddenly a TV that was installed in the Time Nest turned on with some breaking news in the future.

Reporter: Breaking News: Thousands of un-dead villains have returned to reek havoc on the planet, but what impact will this new influx have on our already strange hell service? And will the tax payer have to pick up the tab?

Quaza: When did we get a TV in the Time Nest?

Tony: I dont't know, and also, OH FOR FUCK SAKES!

Yang: I'll go get Blake, Ren, and Nora...

*To Be Continued*

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