Chapter 14: The Four Gods Of Ishgar

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"This is one of the reasons I activated the Pagma Protocol. He is too mysterious and I cannot predict what he would do if he stood face to face with us." Siegrain spoke seriously, he had always been good at knowing other people's thoughts and intentions, but Ulquiorra was like a brick wall. "Besides, he indirectly showed that the Saint Wizards are no match for him..."

"Ara ara!!"

The hall door opened with such force that the place shook slightly. Everyone in the court began to shiver, but not from the cold but from pure fear.

"You.. you.. why..?" Yajima was unable to form an intelligible sentence.

A mysterious man entered the court. This person walked confidently and had an air of danger and arrogance surrounding him. This man stood in front of Org who was sitting on the bench.

"The most powerful Saint Wizard in Fiore.. No, the most powerful Mage in all of Ishgar..." Siegrain muttered in a low voice.

"Go.. Go.. God..." Org tried his best to speak in an intelligible manner. "God Serena!"

God Serena is a man with medium-length, wavy and spiked orange hair that juts out at the top in a shape similar to rabbit ears; He has thick eyebrows and is dressed in a fanciful white robe with blue long sleeves, a blue belt and blue pants. His chest and neck area are covered by a small red cloak with white colored edges, a large collar and three yellow-colored crescent shapes lined up vertically on both sides over his chest. He also wears a simple pair of boots that reach below his knees.

"Your seat looks very comfortable, you wouldn't mind me sitting on it, right?" The man spoke, a small smile appearing on his face, but that smile frightened Org.

Org quickly got up from his seat to make way for the man in front of him. God Serena sat down and looked completely relaxed, but he quickly looked back at Org.

"Bring me the best drink you can find." God Serena spoke calmly.

"Yes sir!" Org immediately shouted before running out of the court. Org, one of the main members of the Magic Council, is behaving like an obedient servant, which is a great insult to the Magic Council. But no one could blame him, if God Serena asked the same thing of anyone else then that person would fulfill that request, even if that person was the King himself!

God Serena is one of the Ten Saint Wizards, or rather, one of the four most powerful gods of Ishgar of all. His immense power made him become the most powerful wizard in Ishgar!

For Fiore, God Serena is a trump card. His presence saved the kingdom from many problems. That's why the King and the Magic Council are doing everything in their power to ensure that he stays by their side.

"God Serena-sama, how can we help you?" Yajima spoke, sounding very nervous.

"Well, as stated by the Pagma Protocol, the four most powerful mages out of the Ten Saint Wizards must come to Era." The Saint Wizard answered.

" And?" Yajima asked.

At this moment, Org entered carrying a tray on which a silver cup was placed. Org stood next to God Serena and gave him the silver cup.

God Serena took a small sip. "I expected to get something better than this but that's okay." God Serena spoke as he looked at the cup.

At the same time, Org was still standing without moving an inch, looking like he was waiting for further orders.

" And?" Yajima repeated his question.

"I heard some gossip while I was here..." God Serena spoke quietly as he looked at his cup. "I heard that the Pagma Protocol was activated for one man. I was a little curious, that's why I came in order to get more explanation."

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