Chapter 4: Arriving to Sumeru

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For two days, your trip to Liyue is very calm and enjoyable. Of course, the ship didn't have many delicacies. Everyone on the ship ate salted fish for those two days. It wasn't the best, but it was food. Also, your back was very sore because of sleeping on the rock-hard bed. How does the crew wake up very early in the morning without complaints? You were probably never going to know.

Beidou had told you that you had to work around the ship during your trip to Sumeru, which was going to take four days to reach. She gave you easy jobs like going to the crow's nest and helping Xu Liushi, or picking up boxes and cleaning the deck. They were pretty simple jobs, but it was tiring.

After three days, Beidou let you rest and enjoy the rest of the journey by sea. While lying on your bed, you couldn't close your eyes. Your back was not getting used to the rock that you were sleeping on. You got up and went up to the deck. You noticed Beidou on the helm. You walked up the stairs to meet her, and you noticed Kazuha under the little building that looked like a small house. You instantly remembered your little house back in Inazuma. Kazuha noticed you and your sad face.

"I see that your face isn't shining anymore. Is there a problem?"

You looked up, "N-no, not really. Just a little homesick."

Kazuha smiled, "Yeah, it's like that. It happened to me when I left Inazuma. Couldn't sleep well for months. Although, I feel like it wasn't because of the feeling of being homesick, but because of an incident that happened before I left." The happy look that you saw on his face during your journey had vanished for the first time. You could see he was hurt, with a scar that didn't seem to heal completely.

Kazuha sighed, "It's all in the past, nothing one can do to change it. What is left is to live your life in the moment and enjoy the world, while it still lasts." You nodded in agreement.


The next day, you woke up with the voice of Beidou and the footsteps of the crew on the deck. You couldn't make a word out of them, due to barely being awake. You got up and remembered that day was the day that you would arrive in Sumeru.

You immediately packed your things (although it wasn't much), and ran out of the room to the deck. When you arrived, immediately, a crew member went right past you in a hurry. Everyone on the ship was on their feet, running around and moving boxes. You were confused, but your confusion vanished when you saw the beautiful scenery of Sumeru. The Alcor was just docking to the port.

You were careful not to get in anyone's way until you almost bumped into Kazuha.

"Ah! My apologies, I didn't see you there!" you explained.

Kazuha chuckled, "No worries. I was told by Beidou to get you, but it seems that the cherry blossom bloomed."

You giggled but immediately stopped when you remembered that you might not be able to see him or Beidou again.

Kazuha noticed your sudden sadness, "Hey, don't worry, just send us a letter once in a while, and we'll reply. Hopefully, the delivery people know where the Alcor is."

You laughed, "No wonder Beidou calls you a 'scallywag'." Kazuha shrugged playfully.

You both felt the ship stop. The ship had docked, meaning that you had reached your destination.

You said your goodbyes to Kazuha, Beidou, and the crew and got off the ship. You had arrived at Port Ormos, Sumeru's port. Now you had one additional challenge to conquer. Where exactly is Sumeru City?

Word Count: 635

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