36 Never Ending Love Story

Start from the beginning

"Hi..." Arnav raised his brows with a fresh smile.

"Hiiii..." Khushi's tone was slow.

She went to her desk and kept her bag there. She frowned seeing a gift on her desk. It was being wrapped by a glittering paper. Khushi took it and frowned. She looked at Arnav who advanced her.

"Open it, and see," he said.

"Is it you who kept it here?" she asked.

Arnav nodded yes.

"What's this?" She asked.

"A small gift"

"Is it necessary?" she hesitated.

"Absolutely...! you will understand that after seeing it"

Khushi looked at that, like, what's that?

"Open it"

She unwrapped the glitter paper. It was a bangle box. Khushi was thunderstruck to see the name of the shop on the box.

"Farida Bangle Shop, Hyderabad...?" she looked at Arnav shockingly who was smiling at her.

"Did you go to Hyderabad?" she asked with disbelief.

Arnav nodded yes.

"But why?" She asked fearfully.

"Because I don't want you to be stressed that I don't trust you"

Khushi gulped down while reading his eyes.

"Did...did you meet..."

Cutting her,


"Everyone means?"

"Farida, Aadhil, Parveen Ammi, Meeran..."

Khushi's eyes tear up.

"Is it?"

Arnav nodded yes.

"I had Biriyani with them too... it was so tasty you know"

Khushi chuckled softly and tears rolled down her eyes.

"How are they?"

"They became old...and have not forget us"

Taking his mobile, he showed their latest photo to Khushi. Khushi looked at them smiling with tears.

"Didn't they become old?"

Khushi nodded yes.

"We too would have been like them if we had not died... right?"

"Khushi, I think we should not think about IFs and BUTs. We should start thinking about our future"

"Is... Pradeep alive?"

"Mmm... he is still alive and became a powerful man in Hyderabad"

"What if he gets to know about us?"

"Khushi relax... he can do nothing. He may be a powerful man in Hyderabad. It doesn't mean he can go anywhere in India and burn anyone. He might have done that last time but not this time because I'm not his friend Arjun to underestimate him but Arnav who knew everything about him very well" he said furiously.

Khushi looked at him speechlessly. Arnav wiped her wet cheeks.

"You have not even changed a bit" he purposely changed the topic.

"Whaaaat?" she sulked her eyes as she could not understand what he was talking about.

Arnav showed her their wedding photo that he captured. Khushi was stunned, seeing that. She snatched the phone and looked at the photo excitedly. She smiled looking at the photo and then at Arnav.

"Wow... our wedding photo...! Are they still keeping it with them?"

Arnav nodded yes.

"Khushi, we are the only ones in the whole world who saw our wedding photo a birth later" Arnav laughed and Khushi nodded yes chuckling.

"You too haven't changed" She said looking at the photo smilingly.

"Yeah... but the hairstyle was different..."

"yet, you look handsome"

"Is it?"

She nodded yes blushing.

"Do you want me to change my hairstyle?"

"No need... unless you like it"

Arnav smiled adoring her.

"Khushi, we are going somewhere this evening. Ok?"

Khushi nodded ok.

"Won't you ask where?"

"It's you who is calling me. then why should I?"

"What if I take you to somewhere you don't like?"

"I will like any place if you are with me"

Arnav smiled at her with a sharp gaze. Khushi averted her gaze biting her lip. She jolted when Arnav cupped her face. She looked at him bewildered.

"I'm lucky to have you as my wife"

Arnav pecked her forehead making her close her eyes. Arnav hugged her gently. Khushi buried her face in his chest.

"Khushi I'm sorry for not trusting you. I hurt you unaware of the truth..."

Khushi broke the hug and looked at him.

"Unware of the truth... you would not have done that if you had known that"

Arnav again pulled her on his chest and hugged her. That was when they heard a footstep. Khushi got detached from him.

"Go to your desk" she said.

Arnav nodded yes and said,

"Wait here at the tea break. Don't go to the canteen"

Khushi nodded ok thoughtfully. Yet, she didn't ask WHY?

To be continued... 

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