chapter 2.6

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/A/n:"theres is no more "ze" anymore as it could be annoying at the same time as am writing with this damn book/storie also am kind of that I had to fully rewrite the parts that I was completely forgot or messed up from my laziness."\

Y/n:"Talking., SHOUTING!, Serious talking." [object's dialog] (thinking or thoughts) *sfx* /Author's note or C/P's note nor commentary\

*Chapter start*

3rd POV

Meanwhile in Y/n's world or somewhat inside in the gates of shadows or the afterlife






???:"what have I done."

Then out of nowhere a tall blonde woman with a fan, a umbrella and a portal with endless eyes appeared out of nowhere from the woman's behind


What do you want."

3rd POV

/A/n: I think I had to fast forward the story first as I had something to do or am just bored\

In the human village, as the kids walks away as his confusion was in still. Until a female voice calls him from behind then he turns around to see a blue like dress and white, blue hair, and a hat with blue and red on it

 Until a female voice calls him from behind then he turns around to see a blue like dress and white, blue hair, and a hat with blue and red on it

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/Am too bad on describing a character so I had to do with these ones now and rest of the later chapters\

He was confuse as what is happening. Then the lady introduces herself "Keine Kamishirawasa" and Y/n introduces himself too. Y/n begins to ask her to where he can have a map. Keine simply replied to go to kourindou shop somewhere in the edge magic forest but he cut her off for a moment and he tell her that he doesn't know to where to go to, she then understand that he actually didn't know so she then point the location to where to go

Fast forward after he reaches the destination with little tired of fighting youkais and escaping those creatures he then look at the left and right then he notice a shop named exactly what Keine said to him. Upon opening the door, the door rings. the person sitting on somewhat like a chair and reading a newspaper.

 the person sitting on somewhat like a chair and reading a newspaper

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