chapter 1.5

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(A/n: ok this is actually different from original but it's still had the same way and it's on slow update)


*sigh* "you God damnit. can yo- ugh Sar-"

But Sargent was not there *gets punched by someone in head* "Ack"

{Then the scene shows the Y/n's flashback as he met the first time with Sargent and gizmo}

Gizmo: "well I will give you little break" *picks up his long sword*

Y/n: hey! This is unfair and break!

Then gizmo swings at me but I manage dodged them and blocked but that goddamn long sword was hurting me!

Gizmo: "huh. not bad."

Y/n: "not BAD!?" Then I charged towards him but

Sargent: "that should conclude the training."

I slipped through to the floor

Gizmo: "Haha. Small leg" then he walks away

Then I lift up my head and see two iron boots then I looked at above me then it was none other than 'Iron Clad' "com'n kid. get up! don't be socha weakling!" he said and he picks me at my back to force me to stand up

Y/n: "yeah yeah yeah. Thanks" then he went to one of his tent "*sighs* welp it's lunchtime" then I went to the tent well known as, the cooker I guess then I entered the tent and see Chief talking to the other friendly recruit while cooking

Chef: "no and his fro-" he notice me "oooh. It's none other than Y/n himself!" He stops cooking and hugs me so tightly then he unhug me

Y/n: "now now. Okay Where *looks around* is my food. My-" then I saw Gizmo eating my favorite food the rice and he smirk at me while eating then I'm so angry at this.

Chef: "(GODDAMNIT GIZMO!) Oi here's yours I already and secretly prepared for young." Then I looked back and see two bowls of rice

Days later

Y/n: "Gizmo. Where's the Shadow energy." I glared at him

Gizmo: "hey do yo-"

Then suddenly everything and one, was frozen and time stopped and I hear a voice coming from. Where!?

Pink???: "he is not a human and not a yukai"

Yellow Theft??? And keeper???: what?!

Yellow Theft???: but can i barr-

Maiden???: "NO."

Head maid???: "then who is he?"

Pink???: "Koakuma."

(The hell is Kaokama?! And going on?!)

Koakuma: "yes Ms. Patchouli?"

(And who is she?)

Patchouli: "did we have the Shadow manipulation book 1?"

(Du! what? And ma back is still completely still hurt because of those thousands knifes)

Koakuma: *shooking head*

Patchouli: "*sigh* wheres the needle?"

New fear unlock: needles
{Instant end of the flashback of dream and A/n: and no. He just wants to avoid to getting turning into lab rat.}

3rd POV

Then Y/n suddenly wake up and he grabs Fate's End it was near to him

Maiden???: "What the-!"

Then Y/n jumps out and ready to fight

Head maid???: "*sighs* 'Meiling'." As everyone is in battle stance against at Y/n except Patchouli and the head maid

Meiling: "Y-Yes Sakuya?"

Then moment she asks to Sakuya as Head maid??? everyone slowly puts down their battle stance

Y/n: (the heck? And is that a dynastyan right there?) As he prepares to block or First strike of thorn technique

Sakuya: "fight with him." as everyone steps away "I will reward you a day of holiday if you defeat him and bullet hell was option including spell cards as long as the bookshelves was not damaged." Meiling nods back and walk towards to Y/n

Y/n: (what? Do I had to fight her? But she look innocent? Also what is bu-) "!" As he notice Meiling was on her battle stance (dynasty style huh. Well maybe this will be paid off.) then Y/n was start to dash towards to Meiling

(A/n: no touhou music only SF2 ost choice whatever you want it)

As Meiling spin kick at to Y/n as he was so sudden but Y/n
To their Awe they didn't believe that the Meiling's attack can actually kill any human but this one was still fine as he blocked the attack and pushed aback near to bookshelve also Meiling has same reaction aswell as the he blocked the attack he throws his Dragonfly's Bite and she dodged but the moment she dodged, Y/n suddenly jumped on her to drop kick and Meiling was not noticed him as he was jumped  out from the bookshelves making it a first strike of Y/n

Behind the battle 

Maiden???: " ! "

Yellow theft???: "uh, Reimu?" As she ask to Reimu as Maiden???

Reimu: "this is familiar. Marisa do you remember the world suddenly turning into a black and dark." Marisa as Yellow theft??? Nods to her

Back to the battle

Meiling had enough of this she was to pulls a spell card 'Colorful Rainbow Wind Chime' suddenly the spell card was hit by Dragonfly's Bite from Y/n and pierced and stock on it but Y/n was not in front of as she looks at her front after looking at the hitted spell card, Y/n was already on her behind Y/n slash her back and turns around and stab her back in her middle of the spine *Critical* and pulls his iaido katana out *Critical* then slash again as he turns around then she's down
(A/n: note Meiling is still alive okay)

Then he do an end stance but suddenly stops as she gets up again while injured

Meiling: "W-Where did you come from!?" In injured tone

Y/n: *loading* "what do you mean by that."

Meiling: "I mean how did you get in my back!"

Seconds ago

He threw his needles in his hand aiming at the card on Meiling's hand the moment she looked at the card he jumped silently in her behind


Y/n: "how long are you gonna yeld this time." He immediately unleashes his Shadow form making the room a bit too dark as same as from before

Sakuya: looks at Reimu "see Reimu." While closing her eyes as Patchouli was nodding as Sakuya was right

To be continue

(A/n: I have to shorten the story first. But if want more try the SS the other story. Also if you see a incorrect words tell me immediately.)

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