"Kagome. Shush babe. It's okay..." Inuyasha clutched onto me and brought me to his chest.

I relaxed into his warmth. Until a throat cleared behind us.

"Excuse me. What do you think you're doing to my daughter?" My mother stood behind us, her arms in an akimbo posture and she narrowed her eyes at my boyfriend.

I stood up flustered, "Uh...mom. This is Inuyasha...my boyfriend." My mother looked taken aback.


"Hello Mrs Higurashi. I'm sorry for coming without earlier notice." Inuyasha raised a hand out.

My mother nodded, ignoring the hand and gripping onto my arm. "Yeah, you should be. Now if you'll excuse us."

I widened my eyes at my mother. Her tone was so cold and she deliberately hurt Inuyasha. She was a monster. I looked at Inuyasha's withering form. I just wish I could run into his arms and say everything was okay.

As soon as we were in a locked room, she immediately started. "WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT?! I TOLD YOU NOT TO MIX WITH HANYOUS!!!"

I glared into her eyes. "Mom. You can't tell me to always do everything you say. It's my life! My happiness! I choose who I want to be with! You can't take care of me forever mom!"

"You! Don't you dare speak to me like that young lady. You are only in highschool!" My mother fumed and raised her voice.

Fine. Since you want to do it this way.

"My life isn't yours! You don't ever know how I feel. All you know is controlling me when it comes to love! Did you even know that Hojo came back last time?! NO! YOU DON'T! Have you ever cared what was going on in my life?! You scared away all the guy friends I had and have!"

Her eyes turned cold. "Kagome. You do not want to know what has happened for generations now."

I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Your great great great grandfather got married to a hanyou. They lived happily for a few years. Until one day, he found his house messed up, paintings ripped, glass bottles crashes and in the middle of it, he saw his wife. Her eyes were red and she had purple scares on her face. She went full demon mode, Kagome. It was always their fear that this would happen one day. And it did. Two of their children were killed by her, while the other two survived. Your great great grandfather and grandaunt. It was horrible." My mother pressed her temple.

I was confused. "How would you know Inuyasha would turn into something like this?"

She sighed and sat on the bed. "It's always like this. Haven't you heard about the hanyou stories on the news? I'm scared that Inuyasha might hurt you."

I felt a pang in my chest and tears welled up in my eyes. "So you're saying...I can't be with him?"

She shook her head. "I want you to be happy Kagome...but you can't. It's too risky. It'll happen on a day you aren't waiting for, it happens unexpectedly. You'd be in danger."

I pleaded with her. I can't believe it. "Is there any way I can stop this from happening?"

She sighed again. "Maybe...one way."

She told me about an amulet that could stop the curse for only one hanyou. It was kept in one of the caves in the mountain of peace and love. It would be very difficult to get it.

"What's the challenge?"

"You have to go back to the past to get it. Can you go back?" She asked softly.

I remembered the time I spent in the past. How our ancestors saved us.

I mumbled. "Yes. I can."

Her face brightened. "That's good!" Before it dropped again. "But I'm worried. There are loads of demons in the past. What if they attack you?"

I smiled. "I may have made a few friends...who are the ancestors of us. They'll help us. I'm sure!"

She smiled, worry still etched on her features. "Really? But I want you to be careful there. Okay?"

I nodded my head and rushed down to tell Inuyasha.


Soon, after the chat, both Inuyasha and my mother were on friendly terms so everything was good.

We started packing for the trip and told the school that we were going to be absent for a month. It was fine, because both our grades were good. We also didn't forget our two friends, Miroku and Sango. We also told them about it and they were a little saddened by our leave.

I assured them that nothing was going to happen to us and this was not the last time we were meeting.

The next day soon arrived and we got on the bus to my hometown.

"I'm really worried about this." Inuyasha drummed his fingers on his knee and bit his lip. I smiled and grabbed his hand.

"It'll be alright. We have our ancestors with us. We may get a little hurt but we won't get killed okay?"

His smile quivered a bit before he pulled me to his chest. "I swear if anything happens to you...I won't be able to forgive myself. I don't want to lose you Kagome..."

I felt my chest tighten. "It's okay...I won't let that happen alright? The same for you too. I don't want to lose you either."

He nodded his head and pecked my cheek.

We reached the Higurashi shrine. We held hands and stepped onto the edge of the well together.

"I'm going to save you Inuyasha. There is certainly no way I'm turning back." I said to him firmly.

He nodded and clutched my hand tighter, "I'm so lucky to be yours."

We exchanged one last smile and we jumped.

Into the light.




TA-DAAA. ♡♡♡

Thank you so so much for everyone who has supported this fanfiction. It really means a lot to me. It was because of all your support and sweet comments that I was able to push on and complete this book no matter how hard or complicated it was.

I'm sorry the book ended with a cliff hanger but that just means I'll probably be doing a sequel (:

I hope you guys enjoyed this book!

[Feel free to ask me any questions in the comments! I'll do a Q&A]

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