Chapter 10

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(POV: Your favorite author has been gone for almost a year and now you wonder if they're dead.)

(Summary of what happened when Mei, Niya and Max went to find Wukong)

Well, they went to the Flower Fruit Mountain, found Wukong and somehow Wukong convinced Macaque to help them too. Macaque didn't want to do it initially but Wukong "convinced" him to help. (He convinced Macaque by giving him a lot of kisses)

(Back to the fight)

Redson scoffed as he saw the monsters. "Hey, I just realized that the monsters look better than you!" Redson mentioned as he stuck his tongue out at Alex. Alex growled and charged at Redson as the monsters also charged forward. Alex shot out a beam of light from his hands which Redson dodged easily. "That's all you got? Oh my gosh, I am soooo scared!" Redson said in a sarcastic tone as he tried to hold in a laugh. Alex gritted his teeth as he teleported behind Redson and raised the knife in his hand, about to stab Redson.

Redson's closed his eyes, waiting for the knife to stab into him since he knew it was too late for him to dodge the sneak attack. Just as the knife is about to strike Redson, the chunk of earth under Alex's feet floats up, taking him with it into the air. Redson was shocked and looked around, trying to find the person who saved him from a fatal attack. Then, he saw Niya, her eyes were glowing and her hands seemed to be controlling something. "You have powers?" Redson asked, clearly shocked. "Yeah, I didn't use it in such a long time so I don't know how long I can keep this up!" Niya shouted as Alex broke the platform he was on and landed on his feet.

Redson took the chance to strike him with a fireball which Alex noticed immediately and tried to dodge the attack but it still struck him on his left arm. Alex hissed in pain as he dropped his knife to the ground. Alex looked at his burnt left arm and clenched his fist. "You will pay for that!" Alex growled as he grabbed Redson by his neck and choked him against a wall. "Redson! One second! I'm coming to help!" Mei shouted as she tried to get the monsters off her. Wukong noticed that Mei was struggling and shouted over to the monsters. "You all are so weak! Come at me scardy cats!" Wukong shouted as the monsters immediately got off Mei and charged at Wukong.

Mei took the chance to run over to where Redson and Alex were but was stopped by Redson. "Back off dragon girl! This is my fight!" Redson yelled as his fist flared up in flames and he punched Alex in the face. Alex let go of Redson's neck as he touched his face which left his hand covered in blood. Alex quickly backed away and pointed a gun at MK's head. "Move even one step closer and your little boyfriend will lose his life." Alex hissed at Redson who just froze in place, not knowing what to do.

Then, a black shadow appeared on the wall behind them. It was Macaque, he quickly pulled MK away and to safety as he rolled his eyes. "Peaches told me to save you." Macaque scoffed as MK tilted his head and squinted his eyes. "Who's peaches?" MK asked as Macaque's face turned red and he mumbled, "Nothing..." MK thought for a moment as he gasped and exclaimed, "I know! Peaches is what you call Monkey King!" Wukong turned around to look at the two and lost focus on the fight he was in which caused him to get struck by the monster.

Macaque quickly untied MK and went to help Wukong. MK was about to turn around and help Redson but he saw Redson stepping on Alex's neck. "You peasants just never learn huh?" Redson said as he glared at Alex for one last time and in a blink of an eye, he ripped out Alex's heart. "I guess there really isn't a happy ending for me... I'm sorry... dad..." Alex muttered weakly as he closed his eyes and stopped breathing.

MK stared at the dead body, then, he looked at Redson. "Y-you... killed him?..." MK stuttered as Redson threw Alex's heart onto the ground and walked over to MK. Redson didn't say anything, all he did was pull MK into an embrace. MK was surprised but didn't push Redson away, he hugged Redson back as he felt his heartbeat quicken. "Redson, is killing him really necessary?" MK whispered as Redson looked at MK with a guilty look. "Sorry, my anger got the best of me..." Redson mumbled against MK's neck as MK sighed.

"Ok, this moment is cute, sweet, whatever. Can someone save Max and Yui?! They're falling!" Pigsy shouted as everyone's attention turned to Max and Yui who was falling from the sky. You might wonder, how did Max and Yui get so high up? Well, when they were fighting one of the monsters, the monster launched Max and Yui up into the sky, Yui being unconscious. Max and Yui fell onto the ground, but, they bounced up again. Everyone was shocked to see Max in a bubble which thankfully saved them from a fatal fall. Max laid Yui down on the ground as everyone ran up to them.

"Woah! How did you do that Max?" MK asked, his eyes sparkling. Max smiled at him and said, "That's a story for the next time. Now, can anyone help Yui?" Max looked at the still-unconscious Yui as Sandy raised his hand and said, "I can!" After a few hours, Yui finally began to wake up. "Is it over?..." Yui asked as Redson smiled at her and nodded his head. Yui lets out a sigh of relief.

Redson then turned to MK and said, "MK... I have something I need to tell you..."

(Hope you enjoyed this! I'll see you in the next chapter!)

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