Subway shootout

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Dracula's reign of terror continued for several hundred years and he found and converted a woman named Tanya to be his concert she fled and became a good vampire and the two have fought since, but it wasn't Tanya and her followers that destroyed Dracula, in fact the legend of Dracula was destroyed by another in Gotham city. Several years ago before the events of Underworld, The Vigilante known as Batman was in town and had fought Gotham's criminals, His crusade on Gotham Continued until Dracula's army had been extinguished for good as well as Tanya herself and her followers had been vaquished but in doing so the secret identity of Bruce Wayne was lost for good. Batman and Dracula fought and Batman killed Dracula. But not before Batman was converted into a Vampire. While Bruce Wayne was gone, now as a Vampire Batman would live on forever. Nearly an entire month had passed since then. But the war was far from over.

Batman was standing atop a gargoyle Over looking his city as rain poored down, his cape blowing in the wind. Cars were driving by people were walking through the streets some with umbrellas, others not. He rose thinking that he was one of them but snapped out of it as he remembered his city needs more protection. With that he spread his wings and dove into the night.

Across the city over looking it another figure, a woman was looking down threw binoculars. The woman; Selene focused her binoculars on a man wearing a sweater and then forwards to see an African America man in a trench coat with a Less tall man walking very close together. She lowered her binoculars, turned to another vampire not to far away. They both nodded and lept off the building and onto the streets below.

Michael had been at work all day Tired, exhausted and wet from the heavy rainfall, h coe made his way inside towards the subway. He heard the Trains breaks screech and saw it pull up to the platform. As the train doors opened people began to leave the train and it soon became crowded. Amoung the crowd the Two people Selene had been following suddenly turned sensing vampires. The tall one yelled


The tall one known as Raze reached for his gun and began firing, followed quickly by his younger counterpart. The two vampires quickly spring into action and return fire. As Raze got the drop on Selene a dark shadow and draft entered the station. Raze turned to find a gloved boot connect with his face! Raze flies back inside and looks up to see a familiar shadowy caped figure standing there.

Raze: You look like......... Batman.

Batman: Good Evening Raze. Drop the gun and surrender.

Raze: I would have but you over looked one thing.

Batman: What??

Raze grinned.

Raze: Behind you...

Suddenly Raze's friend grabs Batman and flips him back over. Batman kicked his friend in the chest and he was sent flying backwards onto Raze. In a blur the Dark Knight drew back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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