ch.4 I guess this is my life

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Jenna's pov

"Alex, come on I can't be their maid. I am going to be killed. We have done way too many jobs in that house."

"You have no choice. Keep your head down. Don't speak unless spoken too."

I started to shake and the house came into view. Three stories tall. The main entrance had 4 pillars and a curved archway. With stairs leading up to it.

I sat in the car as Alex put the car in park, walked around the vehicle and opened my door. I don't know what it was about the house but a sudden cold filled the air.

A servant man rushed out to meet us.  "I'm Cole, I do the maintenance work on the house and help out when I can. You must be Jenna. Follow me around back."

Alex pulled away without looking back. He left me here I thought to myself as I held back tears.

Derek's pov

I stared out my window on the  second floor watching as my biggest fear stepped out of the cleaning van. She had no bags and had blood on the clothes she was wearing.

I shouldn't have let her go. It was a moment of weakness.

How did my father find out? Maybe he doesn't know. If I kill her now surely he'll find out.

"Derek, come meet the help." My father yelled from the second floor.

Jenna's pov

Cole was a tall man. He looked strong yet broken. With black hair and bright blue eyes. He began to guide me around back  by placeing his hand on my back to help me steady myself. Suddenly he stopped.

The air seemed to be as cold as ice. I looked up to see the mafia boss walking out of the door and straight for us.

"Mr. Brown sir." Cole spoke loudly.

" Cole, you have work to do. I'll show Jenna here to her new living..."

Before he could finish there was a loud bang. I held my ears and dropped to the ground.

When I opened my eyes I saw Cole laying next to me blood running down his forehead from a bullet hole.

I quickly stood up and made distance between us.

"Son, what the hell!" "I missed target practice today." He responded rolling his eyes. "Should I go again?" He said as he raised he arm to aim at me.

"Cole give her a week before she becomes target practice."

"Come inside, you have a lot to learn Jenna."

I followed the man inside of the house trying to act strong. He showed me the kitchen, the livingroom, the library, the den, where the office was and stopped at the stairs.

You are expected to make all meals, clean all bed and bathrooms along with the common areas on the first and second floor. The third floor is off limits.

I nod showing that I understand. He turn to walk up the stairs when I saw an evil smirk on his face.

I wasn't sure what he was about to do but I knew it wasn't good.

Derek's pov

My father pranced around the house showing the new girl around. No doubt imagining what she would look like pushed up against the wall.

I let the thought pass as I walked around the corner to see my father on the stairs.

Why her? I angerly thought to myself.

I made eye contact with my father who shot me a bone chilling grin. Before turning to walk up the stairs.

I follow behind.

Jenna's pov.

"Jenna, here is your room." Mr. Brown motationed for me to enter. "On the bed is your uniform. You are to wear it at all times. A list of all the things that need to be done today are on the desk."

With that he shut the door. Utter slience filled the air and sadness and terror consumed me.

I walked over to the desk to read the list.  The paper laid out all the rooms on the second floor that needed to be done.

On the bed laid the classic maids outfit. I put it on quickly and looked it the mirror.

How did this become my life?

I grabbed the cleaning supplies in my room and opened my door.

The hall way was painted an off white and the floor was carpet. The walls had a dark brown trim. The hallway was lined with lamps mounted to the walls that let off a yellowish glow.

First thing on the list, the bathroom at to far end of the hall.

I gripped the list tightly has I pulled my cart behind me.

The hall seemed to go on forever.

I stared at the door not wanting to open it. I grabbed the door knob and twisted it.

The door opened.

"Yes, right there. Damn that feels good.....your a God Derek." A girl screamed.

Derek had a girl pushed up against a dresser. Bouncing her up and down like it was nothing.

He looked at me bored. "Bathroom is right there princess."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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