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A few months later

"Did you hear? That lame-ass Tsukasa found a troupe to do shows with... Pathetic, I hope they kick him out." One said to another. "God, that's so fucking stupid!" The other responded. It was true that Tsukasa had found a troupe. Wonderlands X Showtime. They perform at Phoenix Wonderland, on the Wonder stage. Wonderlands X Showtime consists of Emu Otori, Nene Kusanagi, Rui Kamishiro, and of course, the supposed "star" of it all, Tsukasa Tenma. It was laughable, really. He didn't fit in with the other three. Well that's what other people say, but it wasn't that far off, considering Nene and Rui have been friends for so long, and Emu made an instant connection with them. What about Tsukasa? He was just there. He didn't know how to communicate with people personally, he only knew how to yell out the things he had achieved and such.

Today is the day of their first show, did you know? That's funny, nothing should go wrong.

"Today will be absolutely magnificent! My first show, and it'll go perfect!" The blonde yelled out as he walked to school. Ugh, what a pain, where does he even store his energy to yell so early in the morning?! "Soon, Phoenix Wonderland will see me as the star of the Wonder Stage! And after that, the whole world!" He thought to himself, but not in his mind. He said his thoughts aloud.

It became a habit for Tsukasa to speak his thoughts instead of keeping them in his ever-so-energetic mind of his. He was a blabber-mouth, but he didn't care! He was a star, so he should be optimistic about his quirks!

He barged into the classroom before striking a pose. "Wahaha! The star of 2-A is here!" He laughed, but praise was not what he received. Instead it was groans of the other students who were already beginning to get tired of hearing him, knowing this was just the start. "Oh no, not him.." One person sighed.

Tsukasa was feeling more energetic than usual. His first show for the public was gonna happen today, how could he not be? He was absolutely beaming, just as a star should! Nothing could go wrong today.

Alas, school had ended and it was nearly time to perform! Tsukasa, with a wide smile on his face, packed up his stuff and immediately went towards Phoenix Wonderland, where he met all the others. "WONDAHOI!!!!!!!!!!!" He heard the pink hair yell in her squeaky voice. Emu was louder, but somehow more bearable. "Wondahoi, Emu!!!" Tsukasa replied back energetically.

"Hello, Tsukasa-kun, Emu-kun." A familiar voice said from afar. It was Rui. "WONDAHOI RUI!!!!!!!!!" Emu squeaked out again. "Wondahoi..." Nene spoke quietly.

They practiced for awhile, before the time finally came.

"It's time. I'll make mom and dad proud! I'll make Toya proud! I'll make Saki proud." Tsukasa thought to himself, surprisingly not speaking it out this time.

Everything was going perfect.

Or so he thought.

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"Ugh, everything is ruined, ruined! And it's because of you, Nene!" Tsukasa yelled out of frustration, it was supposed to be perfect! This was his first show! It was supposed to be perfect, perfect, perfect! He can't be a star if everything he does isn't perfect!

"I- I'm sorry..." Nene replied quietly. "Sorry?! What'll that do?! Do you think saying sorry will bring back the smiling faces of the audience?!" He snapped back. Nene ran, she ran away from the scene. She ran away from Tsukasa. This didn't bring any joy whatsoever to Tsukasa, though. He sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"Tsukasa, don't be mad at Nene, it wasn't her fault... We'll just do better next time, okay?" Rui said, approaching Tsukasa. "Next time...? But what about now? Everyone's probably disappointed! And if they're disappointed, no one will come to the next show. There might not be a next time, Rui!" He groaned. "Yes, but, you need to understand it wasn't Nene's fault, you didn't have to get that mad!" The sentence Rui just spoke was enough to make Tsukasa yell. This time, out of anger. "You don't get it, Rui! I spent my whole life to get to this point, and her malfunction just ruined the moment I worked so hard for! How am I supposed to be a star knowing she ruined my first show?!" He shouted at the purple boy, getting worked up with irritation.

"A star?" Rui scoffed. "You seriously meant that..?"


"What are you talking about, of course I was being serious!" Tsukasa was starting to get confused, was Rui doubting his dreams of becoming a star?

"I told you, stop blaming Nene." Rui was somewhat... Nonchalant? He looked serious. Like he was mad.

"Also... You're not worthy to become a star."

That was the last thing Rui said before walking away.

Tsukasa was... Shocked. His eyes were wide and he was kind of frozen in place. He felt his ego being crushed right then and there. "Not worthy to become a star." No way, there's no way! Tsukasa Tenma was the world's future star! There was no way he wasn't worthy. That's what he always thought, but now...

"A-Ah, Tsukasa, I'm glad we got to make people smile today! Let's try our best again next time, o-okay? Wondahoi!" Emu said before leaving to go back home, she was kind of upset, too. Not because of Nene, no, she was upset because the show ended without anyone smiling.

Tsukasa was left all alone. He was still thinking of what Rui told him.

"You're not worthy to become a star."
"You're not worthy to become a star."
"You're not worthy to become a star."
"You're not worthy to become a star."

His voice kept repeating in his head.

There was no way that he wasn't worthy, right? "I'm worthy, right...?" Tsukasa thought to himself.

"Saki, I'm sorry. Am I really not worthy?"

Tsukasa clenched his fists. He wasn't worthy? Really? He felt an uncomfortable stinging sensation in his heart. "Am I not good enough? Do I not shine bright enough?"

"Am I never really gonna be a star?"

Ladies and gentlemen, this is Tsukasa Tenma, who was supposed to be the world's future star. Maybe he was further away from his dreams than he thought.

From here, he would only drift farther and farther.

"I'm not worthy to become a star."

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HI IT'S ME KYN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im not really proud of this chapter but i think its going well? i think? anyway, i dont really know where im going with this but i kind of already have an idea. anyway, i hope more people get to read this!!!!!! i hope people can get to see my work even if its not the best, but it would make me really happy!! if i finish this fic i might make more huhu
love, kyn

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