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"Can anyone tell me what a supernova is?" The teacher asked, but no one responded. Instead, the class was filled with people chatting and not paying attention. Well, almost everyone, except for the one that "stood out from the rest". No one talked to him, they all found him weird and annoying.

That boy was named Tsukasa Tenma. Tsukasa Tenma sat at the back of the class. Most people thought about him as a pain in the ass since he was always talking about becoming a future star and was so prideful to the point that someone even wore earplugs to school. No one took his dream about becoming a star seriously, they all thought it was nonsense. Long story short, he always talked about one day being a future star, but... No one really cared. He was just a nuisance to everyone. He never noticed though, he didn't pay attention to how other people react to him and his doings.

What was the teacher saying again? Something about.. Oh, right. Supernovas. "Class? Anyone?" She continued after not speaking for about 2 minutes before she sighed deeply and looked back at the board. "Supernovas are the biggest explosions known to man. In a more understandable way, it is an explosion that occurs when a star dies. To simplify it even more, it is the death of a star." She explained, trying to draw a supernova on the whiteboard, though it ended up looking like a 5 year old trying to draw a crime scene that involves bombs.

Tsukasa was focused in writing his notes. He was quite organised, afterall. How could he not be? He was "perfect". Or so he thought. Still, he continued writing and writing, even putting visual guides so that his notes looked somewhat pleasing, unlike him. Sorry not sorry Tsukasa, but not a lot of people in the class find you as a pleasing person... He didn't know, though. It would be better if he didn't. We can't ruin his precious ego, can we?

Unlike the teachers drawing of a supernova, Tsukasa's was far better. Of course it was. He was Tsukasa. Everything he did was great. His acting, his grades, the way he studies, how he treats his sister, everything he did was great. His classmates didn't think so, though. Anyway, he still didn't know, so who cares?

Soon, the bell rung for lunch. Who left the class was a teacher disappointed in the group she just taught and the students who were excited to eat and be away from all the lessons. Two students were whispering to eachother as they left. "A supernova, huh? What did the teacher say it was again? The death of a star?" One asked as she wasn't paying attention. "Yeah, it's the death of a star. Isn't funny that's what our lesson is about? Considering the wannabe future star is in our class?" The other girl responded, cracking up a little. "Totally, why is he even here? His ego is way too high, I can't take it! And he's so loud, it's literally so annoying. It's 7 in the morning, tone it down a little! Does he even know what it's like to be normal?" One of them ranted. "I know right?! I can't wait until next school year, unless I'm classmates with his ass again. Seriously, he should transfer. But then again, another school would have to deal with him... He should just drop out, I don't see the point in him studying anywhere if he's so focused on becoming an actor."

Tsukasa, on the other hand, was still in the classroom. He was tidying everything up, cleaning the whole classroom until not a single spot of dirt was seen. It was only until it was completely unsullied that he had left to go for lunch. Wherever he went he heard whispers. Whispers of the other students mocking and soiling his name. Again, he didn't know. He was in his own little bubble, away from the world. As if he was drifting closer to the stars than to what we call planet Earth.

Finally, class was over. Everyone was so done with Tsukasa's voice and was so relieved it was time to go home. "I'm so glad I don't have to hear him anymore." Someone spoke out quietly to another person, thought it didn't reach the ears of Tsukasa. Tsukasa packed his things and cleaned once more just like he did during lunch before leaving to go home like all the others. He stood before the door of his home, and took a deep breath, before opening it and going inside, his loud voice being used again. "Wahahaha! It is I, Tsukasa Tenma! Where is my dear sister?" He yelled out, excited to see Saki after a long day of school. "Tsukasa!" He heard the girls voice speak, before his eyes looked over and saw her rushing over to him and giving him a long big hug. Tsukasa loved this part of the day, because Saki always looked so happy. "Hello, Saki! How was your day?" He asked her, hugging back. "It was great! Though, I'm going to go hang out with my girlfriends later, is that fine?" She asked her older brother, looking up at him. "Of course, my dearest sister! Anything you want!" Tsukasa responded enthusiastically. "Yay! Thanks! I'll get ready, byee!" She said, rushing back up to her room.

Tsukasa went upstairs to his room. If you could even call it one. He put down his bags and put his stuff on his desk. "Wonderful! Everything went absolutely perfect today, just like it should! Wahaha!" He laughed to himself, feeling proud of what he had accomplished today. He took out his phone and watched some videos of the shows he had seen before, specifically the ones that made Saki light up with joy and excitement.

"Tsukasa! I'm heading out now!" Saki yelled out so that her brother could hear. "Alright, take care Saki!" Her brother replied back from his so-called room. He heard the door shut. His parents were out at work, so he was alone. It was usually like this, especially when he was a kid. Though he doesn't like to think about what it was like when he was young. It caused some kind of odd discomfort in his heart that he wasn't familiar with.

The future star put down his phone and decided to take a nap, he was quite tired and didn't have any schoolwork to do, so it was the least he could do. He was bored, and there was no one around, so taking a nap was the only thing he could think of. He tucked himself into bed and began drifting off into sleep.

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HIIII FIRST CHAPTER DONE I HOPE YOU ENJOYED (if anyone even read/ is reading this)!!!!!!! its like 12am so goodnight guys
love, kyn

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