Death At a Funeral

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There was something undeniably bittersweet about witnessing Oliver watch himself being buried.

He'd been an inconsolable mess all morning, conflicted with himself over whether he should attend the small service for him or not.

"Kind of sadistic, don't you think?" he'd said. "Watching them bury my body."

Ultimately he'd decided to attend with me, but it wasn't for himself.

"I'll move on any minute now." Oliver had reminded. "I don't want to miss a second with you guys."

Only, Axel hadn't spoken a word since I'd helped him with his tie this morning. The boy's mother and father had shown, but neither made any attempt to talk to their son or offer condolences. Axel, however, sent daggers through both until they walked off into the parking lot after the burial. I knew deep down it'd be in our best interest for me to get Axel on his feet and usher him to the parking lot, but I couldn't. Not when he was still sitting beside Oliver's unmarked grave and staring at it with misty eyes.

"You should comfort him." Oliver whispered now, bringing me back to reality. He had perched himself on top another headstone to the left of his and was watching his brother with a sad expression. "He needs you, Ophelia."

"I don't know how." I breathed. "I'm afraid he'll ice me out if I try."

Oliver frowned but didn't deny the comment. Axel, having heard only my side of the conversation, slowly lifted his head and looked up at me. "He's here?"

I pointed at the stone. "Right there."

Axel rose shakily and I edged closer and leaned into his side, more for his support than my own. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and hugged me against his side.

"Oliver?" Axel's voice was hoarse, but Oliver didn't hesitate to hop of the stone and joined us, slowing to a stop a few feet in front of his older brother. "Hey, man, I don't know if you can hear me, but I just want you to know I miss you. You were an annoying pain in my ass, but I'd give anything to have you steal my car or drive up my fucking credit card bill right now."

Oliver grinned. "I love you too, man."

I touched my palm to Axel's chest. "He said he loves you too."

"I'm not surprised you went out the way you did, but I'm pissed. I'm angry and bitter but I'm still not sure if it's toward you or the piece of shit who shot you, accidental or not."

Oliver stepped forward and extended an arm to touch his brother's shoulder. Unfortunately, it fell right through. "You have got to let it go, Ax. Holding on to the hatred isn't going to hurt anyone other than yourself."

I relayed the response and watched Axel's expression crumble further. "What happens now?"

Oliver stepped to the right and reached out to grab a hold of my arm. I stared in awe when it remained in the air. It must have been a crazy sight from where Axel stood.

"You better not make my sacrifice for nothing, Coleman." he joked with a grin. "Take care of yourself, alright? And my brother."

I nodded, blinking to keep tears from falling. I had to keep it together for Axel's sake.

"It was a pleasure getting to know you, Ophelia Colemen. Thank you for all you've done. Thank you for your help."

I nodded and closed the distance between us, surprised but not appalled when my arms didn't fall straight through. It wasn't Oliver's tightening grasp or my quiet, choked sob, but Axel's horrified, "Oliver?" that broke us from our daze.

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