Columbus Black ii

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       Columbus Black has always been an experienced duelist

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       Columbus Black has always been an experienced duelist. From an early age she would be constantly fighting with the children in her Orphanage, when she was taken in by Lord Black the first thing she learned was dueling, she had received many awards from across the globe for this.
       "Sectum Sempra!"
  But there were always better duelists, it is something she acknowledged every time she was defeated, she worked on it and always came on top.
        "Gravi Arteria!"
   Dumbledore always knew this information, so it didn't come as a surprise to him whenever he went into an Order meeting and it was reported that another low level member had died at the hands of the Black Heiress, but what did come as a surprise is hearing the news of her death. Killed by his right hand, Alastor Moody, a vicious and hypocritical man who despises the "dark arts" and those who practice it, yet he uses it on a daily.
       "What did you say..?"
    Dumbledore couldn't believe it, the thorn in his side was finally dead. Gone.
Now just to inform her father, the poor man who is so grief stricken from the loss of his godson that he has isolated himself in side of his dreary childhood home. It isn't as if he cared very much for her after the Potter Heir had died.

        "e contrario anima enatis"
   Those were her last words. A rewinding spell. One she found deep in the library of le château noir, a spell that her grandfather said was to be used only as a last-ditch effort.
    "Oh, you are finally here."

   A deep and husky voice said from behind her.

Slowly getting up she looked around and noticed that she was in a beautiful night garden.

     "Where... where am I" 

  she mumbled to herself. She tried getting up but was immediately pushed back down by a dark and bony hand. Whipping her head around she saw the face of her god brother, Hadrian Potter, and someone or rather something else. Turning around fully she flung herself onto him and hugged him tight.
   "Rian.. Circe.. how.. how are you here? Where is here?"
  She questioned him. Finally looking at him properly she noticed he looked healthier. He was taller, he looked less starved, his hair had grown and was now past his shoulders. He was wearing an oxblood shirt tucked into loose midnight black pants. His chuckle broke her out of her daze.
     "Calm down colly, one question at a time. First I am still dead, but I came because the spell you used is one that calls upon death and it's master, I am it's master. Secondly, this is death's domain or the in-between, it is where everyone comes before leaving to their one afterlife." 
   Hadrian explained while pushing her hair out of her face. Looking at her he noticed dried blood along her hairline and small scars along her neck.
         "What hap-"
     He had begun to ask before getting interrupted by a scoff. He turned around and glared at the figure behind him.
     "That's a grossly oversimplified explanation of my domain, but go on."
  The figure stated dryly before looking at the girl with a soft smile.
    "It's a pleasure to meet you Heiress Black, my name is Einar also known as Death, mortem, Thanatos, Kali, Noemie, or Azrael."
    The figure, Einar, introduced themself while walking towards the pair. Once they got next to them they touched Columbus' head lightly.
That one touch cleaned the blood off of her and healed all her wounds. After healing her they summoned a table with three chairs and gestured for the others to sit down.
        "As much as I would like to continue to talk to my sister's master. We have things to discuss."
      Einar said after taking a seat in front of the two. they looked at them both with a serious expression before settling on Columbus.
         "After your death the magical world spiraled into chaos, the Magick's sacred lines were killed off one by one, people stopped acknowledging where they got their magic from, they stopped doing magic replenishing rituals which caused heir cores to burn out. Then a war started between the half-bloods and muggle they began to slowly kill each other off untill the only one left was your godson, Theodore, who died before he was able to have children."
     Hearing what happened to he world and her beloved godson caused Columbus to clench her fists.
       "What do I have to do?"
    She asked, her anger evident in her voice.
She was beyond angry, she was outraged. This all happened because of Dumbledore's greedy and idiotic actions.
       "I will send both of you into the past more specifically your parent's era so that you can fix the mistakes of those of your time whenever you go to sleep I will be able to bring you into my domain for a short period of time, so we will be able to communicate easily, do you understand?"
   Einar's voice was shaky as he explained what was to happen. His sister's pocket world had been precious to them both, so when they saw what had happened they begged him to let them intervene, they got an ultimatum, they can try as much as they want to fix the world, but their masters had to do it, should one of their masters die before they fix the world the siblings would lose a small portion of their power and it would be given to their masters' family line.
         "We understand."
    Their confirmation was all them needed.

      The first thing Columbus noticed when she woke up was that she was in a very soft bed. When she decides to finally open her eyes she was greeted with the sight of her Aunt-cousin, Narcissa Black's, face but younger. When her aunt(cousin?) noticed she had opened her eyes she threw herself at the younger girl.
       "Good morning to you too, Cissa."
  The younger girl said dryly while attempting to pull away from the suffocating hug from her older cousin (yes, she decided they were cousins) pulling away from her Narcissa looked ready to scold her, before seemingly remembering why they were there in the first place.
          "I'm so so so sorry Colly! I shouldn't have dared you to do that! Will you forgive me?"
       The older girl asked shyly while looking. Down and playing with her hands. Columbus was going to answer, but the door burst open revealing a young Sirius Black with a feral grin and a scared looking Regulus Black. To say Columbus Black was shocked was an understatement. She'd never seen her uncle look so... Scared. Granted she'd only ever talked to his portrait but it was basically the same thing.
        "We saw what happened Colly, that was so bad ass!"
     Exclaimed the young Sirius Black. The boy seemed way to excited to see her injured than he should be, but it has been so long since Columbus had seen him smile so she would take it. Narcissa raised her hand and hit Sirius on the head so hard it made an audible smack. The girl's actions caused the younger blacks to giggle.
       "Are you all right, lumie? The fall looked absolutely horrible."
    Asked an anxious Regulus Black.              Columbus didn't understand why he was so anxious, it wasn't his fault she fell (how she knew this she wouldn't understand until later.)
     "I'm fine Lulu just a bit disoriented that's all."
   She told her younger brother (brother? This is extremely confusing. Couldn't Einar at least tell them who they were or at least when they were? She was going to beat the shit out of them the next time she saw him, divine being or not.)
    He seemed to visibly relax after this even climbing into bed with her and laying his head on her shoulder.
      "Stop being such a baby Reggie. She only fell it's not as if she was cruciod."
    Said Sirius while rolling his eyes. Ever the bitchy older brother.
      "Lay off my little brother fuckface."
Columbus scolded her older brother while hugging her younger protectively. Looking at the pair of siblings Narcissa shook her head and sighed.
      "Alright you two stop. Aunty Walburga is coming soon and I would rather no one gets punished, all right?"
    Narcissa demanded causing the pair to grumble and agree to her words.

Gravi Arteria- severe the artery
e contrario anima enatis- reverse soul intertwining

Hey, babes!!!
This chapter took me so long so I do hope it meets your standards! Next chapter will be her childhood and possibly have a Harry appearance🤭
Which pov should I write the meet in?
Also what house should the two go into?
I'm thinking Slytherin for Columbus and Ravenclaw for Harry but I wanna know what you think. Also should I have her official meet Evan when she is a teen or younger?
I want it to be a bit of a slow burn and their story to be a bit like Lily and James but with more violence from her side.
what ships would you all like to see?
Happy holidays for those that celebrate


Word count: 1401

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