Poppy gasped. "Viva!"

"Sis, you know it's gonna happen one day! Don't act so surprised!"

Poppy did little more than blush, and Branch cleared his throat, noticing how awkward King Peppy was looking. "Well, only if you will approve, sir," Branch said respectfully.

King Peppy suddenly looked guilty and sighed. "Of course I do, my boy. And I'm sorry if I made you think otherwise. I guess it's just... I can't believe my little girl has already grown up so fast!"

"Tell me about it!" Viva shouted. "The last time I saw her she was so teeny weeny!" she giggled, showcasing the size with her hands.

"Yes," King Peppy laughed, smiling at both his daughters. He then continued, addressing Branch. "You'll make a fine partner for my Poppy. And an excellent king, too!"

Branch cocked his head, pleasantly surprised to hear this. "Really?"

"Indeed," Peppy replied without hesitation. "Why, you remind me much of myself!"

The blue Troll glowed. "Um... how?" he asked curiously.

"Maybe how you both like to keep secrets from me?"

This time, Poppy's statement did not go unnoticed by Peppy or Branch. Both Trolls turned to her, coming face-to-face with the sudden stern expression she wore on her face.

"Huh?" Branch practically squeaked.

"Don't pretend like you don't know!" she chided. "You said nothing about being in not just one, but TWO super amazing boybands! I have every single record of BroZone and Kismet!"

Branch tried to stammer a response. "Well, I, um... you see, it's just that - "

"And then, to top it off, you don't tell me that you had FOUR brothers? Oh no, not one, not, two, not even three - but FOUR?!"

"Well, um..." Branch tried again, "Yooouu... didn't tell me you had a sister!" he defended, gesturing at Viva.

"I didn't know!" Poppy exclaimed. "Wanna know why I didn't know?!" She crossed her arms at her father, who wished he could pull a hocus-pocus and disappear right then and there.

Viva cast Peppy nearly the same identical look Poppy was giving him. "She's got a point, Dad. Poppy had no clue who I was when we met up again!"

"Yeah! That's just like when you didn't tell me about all the other music tribes!"

Peppy put his hands up and waved them in a calming motion. "Poppy, darling, you know I'm incredibly regretful for not having told you either one of those things. I was just trying - "

"To protect me," Poppy finished at the same time he did. She let the initial disappointment in her Dad fizzle away so she could give him a sincere look. "Dad, I love you... and, as a family, I want us to be honest with each other, no matter how scary or painful or downright shocking the truth might be! We can work through it... okay?" She opened her arms for him, and he leaned towards her so they could share a hug.

"Yes, Poppy. I'm so sorry..."

This time, Poppy giggled. "You don't have to keep apologizing, Dad. I've forgiven you, like, a dozen times!"

"Right, yes," he mumbled rather meekly, and then straightened himself out. They smiled at each other, and then Poppy glared at Branch.

"Now. As for you..."

Branch sighed. "You're right, Poppy. As a friend, and girlfriend, I trust you. I'll open up to you more, I promise... is there anything I can do to make up for the secrets I did keep?"

Poppy liked this question, and pretended to tap her chin and give it deep thought. "Hmmm... well, you could let me have a couple bites of the sliders you ordered..." she said.

But Branch could tell there was more she wanted to add to that. "And?" he prompted.

She batted her lashes and whispered. "...And also maybe give me a kiss?"

Her boyfriend's eyes widened. "In front of your Dad?"

Having been in earshot, Peppy chuckled. "Branch, there's nothing to worry about. You two are in love." He gestured his hand out, as if saying, "Now, go on with it!"

So Branch did. He kissed Poppy sweetly, Peppy looking on proudly and Viva tucking her hands under her chin while gushing.

"Awwww, that's exactly how I imagine your wedding smooch to be!" the golden-curled Troll squealed.



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