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Me: *hears some moaning and walks in and sees creek going at it with branch and I just stand there watching branch be rapped like 😰😰😰as I record it for help in the future*

Some time later.

Me: *runs around trying to find what creek is about and his weakness and what his strengths are. I then run back to the place and get to know the area and figure out a escape plan and goes in when I know creek is gone for an hour or two and runs in for branch* psst! Branch. It's me, bella. I've came to rescue you. I know an escape to get you out. He's going to be out for hour. I watched em this whole week and I know everything. Trust me. *lends em my hand*

Branch: *looks at me not sure to trust me*

Me: *understands his fear and shows him my pockets and calls out* ALRIGHT GUYS COME HERE!!!

Branch: *drops ears and looks around like a scared cat*

Me: *turns to em smiling* ....see....no one. Just me, myself.....and i😏

Branch: *does a quick smile liking the joke but is covered by sadness all over again. Looks at my hand and my eyes and sees that I had nothing in my pockets and no one came out when I called out but still gives a judgement look to me*

Me: you wanna search me? I'll do whatever it takes to get you outta here. I swear.

Branch: *looks at me and gets up patting me and checking all my pockets and all and stands up straight finding nothing on me*

Me: *puts my hand out* trust me a little at least to get out of here?

Branch: *looks at my hand jerking back a bit trying to figure out if he wants to or not but makes his final decision and reluctantlytakes my hand*

Me: *smiles and helps em escape*

I get em to a safe place finally

Me: *looks at em and covers us with my hair* breathe breathe your free now, your safe no one will hurt you now. Your safe from danger. You want me to take you to your bunker?

Branch: *hugs me* thank you😥😥😥i.....I can't believe you risked your life for me!! Why?

Me: *smiles* well, I did it cause I knew you were gone and I was worried and I heard some noises and I came to see what was happening and that's when I saw creek jumping you as you were screaming and I saw how brutal he was with you. I had to stop it.

Branch: *hugs me again but tighter* I dunno how I'd ever repay you.

Me: by helping me in the future with chaos😉

Branch: what type?🤔

Me: *punches his shoulder playfully* I was joking. You can spread the word if you'd like. I wouldn't mind it. I dunno, just be thankful and all. Don't be rude to me. Be nice. Cause if I save your butt from something horrific then you shouldn't be mean cause I thought about you and did something nice for you and the best thing for you to do is to thank me and treat me nicely in the future🙂.

Branch: okay.

Me: want me to walk you to your bunker?

Branch: yes. I still don't trust a lot.

Me: I can understand that. *helps em up and walks em to his bunker*

Once we get there.

Me: *stops*

Branch: *stops as well*

Me: well, yours stop. How are you feeling?

Branch: tens....depressed, scared, paranoid.

Me: yeah, memories are still fresh.

Branch: *nods head*

Me: its okay. I would feel the same feelings your feeling currently. Don't feel like your alone in this🙂 *puts hand on shoulder*

Branch: you know....I'm thankful for you. You risked your life for someone that was rude to everyone. You fought for me and protected me when no one else did. I mean poppy would of as well, but she didn't know where I was. Neither do you. And I'm not even speaking of that. Cause most who'd see it would probably of caused a scene and screamed making it worse for themselves but you didn't and actually took the risk to help me escape. And I'm great ful for all that you did.

Me: aww, thank you.

We hug.

Branch: well, thanks for everything....and I guess I'll see you later.

Me: yup! You to. Bye. *waves*

Branch: bye! *waves and jumps into his bunker*

Me: *smiles happy he's safe now and sees something that's off that could gain em some safety and turns it on for his well being and whispers* take care branch🙂. *and turns around and runs off to my own bunker*

K guys. I know these are short as hell. But you'll understand why I'm making it so quick.

Hop you like.


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