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Me: *sees branch in the corner rocking himself back n fourth muttering things and knows what's wrong and sits with em and hugs em*

Branch: *lets me do it*

Me: *whispers* it's okay...I'm here. Nothing will hurt you.

Branch: *lays head on my shoulder*

Me: *looks around and sees a figure and sees that it's a demon and knows what I can do and whispers* you know em?

Branch: *nods head*

Me: who is he?

Branch: he came to me in my dreams saying he'd haunt me for life. I can't escape em.

Me: k

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Me: k....what has he done to you?

Branch: he's possessed me and made people think I'm crazy. He's.... He's gave me depressing thoughts and now I just wanna die!

Me: I know how to outwin em.

Branch: *looks at me as if he saw me after so many years and really didn't think he'd see me again*

Me: ........this will be crazy.... But, show no fear.

Branch: WHAT!? How the hell you expect me to do such a thing?!

Me: yeah, I told you. You'll think I'm crazy. Show no fear and they'll leave you alone....what he wants is to take advantage of you and put you down and make you gotta be stronger and stand up to em and show who's boss.

Branch: I I can't do this.

The demon: Braaanch

Me: see....your doing the thing he wants.

Branch: *signs* but...

Me: *puts a finger on his lips* no....this is what he wants.....just shush. Let me try something. YO DEMON!!! GET YOU BUTT HERE!!!

Branch: woe woe woe!!! What are you doing!!!??? Noooo!!!! *stands up but as soon as he sees em hides*

Me: *blocks em from branch* you leave at once!

Demon: *grouls*


demon: *tries to attack*

Me: *grabs Branch and pushes em behind me trying to get away from the demonic being*

Demon: lets play a game😈😈😈

Branch: no-mmph!!

Me: *quiets em* what is it?

Demon: *smiles and looks at branch* someone at least is interested.

Branch: *tries to remove my hand but knows it'll back fire on us so keep em quiet*

Demon: lets play a game of hide and seek😈😈😈


Demon: I'll count and you hide😈😈

Me: okay. *grabs branch by the arms and pulls em as he kind of struggles. Knows why but doesn't really care. A bit later we find a hiding spot  and I looks into his eyes and whisper* I did this for your own good. I know you think I messed up....but I actually....*pulls out the cross and holy water* one step a head😏

Branch: *stop screaming and pulling* 😳😳😳......

Me: if I take my hand away you won't scream?

Branch: *looks out there*

Me: oh...I don't mean of that. I can excuse that. He scares me as well, so I can't blame you for that.

Branch: *makes a confused expression*

Me: well, that's to take em down I never said you can't scream....jump scared are impossible to not scream at. Normal people do it and it scares us. Anything that we don't expect scares us. Even the tough ones out there.

Branch: *makes the expression of thinking about and it and understanding Tue point I'm making*

Me: *takes my hand away and lets em go*

Branch: c...can I hold the cross?

Me: *thinks about and decides to lend it to em* sure.

Branch: yes. *grabs it holding it tightly and closly*

Me: *smiles finding that sight kind of cute*

Demon: *scares the shit out of us*

Me: *screams and throws the holy water at em causing em to scream*

Branch: *shoots the cross out in front of em blocking the thing from em*

Me: *sees it and knows I have to say it cause he doesn't know to* BY THE NAME OF JESUS CRIST I DEMAND YOU TO RETURN BACK TO WERE YOU CAME FROM AND STAY THERE AT ONCE!!!!!!

Demon: *screams and vanishes*

Branch: *takes the cross down in disbelief seeing this actually worked*

Me: shocked it worked?😏

Branch: what no pff.

Me: *stands up and hugs em and pats his back* its alright bud. No one would know it would of worked cause they've never had to experience or witnesses it at all.😊

Branch: *knows I'm right and hugs me back not really smiling more feeling thankful and greatful and the things that just went down are still swimming in his head so he doesn't know what to think*

Me: you want me to stay a few nights to help you calm?

Branch: that would be nice.

Me: okay. First I'll help you clean this mess up then we can go from there. K

Branch: k.

We clean then finish, he helps me with staying with em. I take care of em til he's okay with going out to see the world and I talk to everyone about everything even though some still fear em but I stand with him to show he's not dangerous. Poppy hugs em and accepts em back. Creek gives em dirty looks but I look at em give em ugly faces causing him to look away. I try to talk to em about it all but he still looks at branch like he's sus as shit. Things go back to normal a little. I go back home shortly. Branch hugs me and thanks me for all the car a support I did for em. And stood with em and helped him fight even when he wasn't strong enough. I hug em and tell em he's stronger then he knows and pats his shoulder and leaves.

Okay guys. Branch is doing better now. Back to his normal self. But the memories will never fade. The type of stuff that'll cause trauma in your later years.

Anyways adios

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