Chapter Three: The Truth Revealed

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Chapter 3: The Truth Revealed

3 years later:

(Elsa is 21, Anna is 18, and Julie is 14)

The dress that Julie is wearing for the coronation

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The dress that Julie is wearing for the coronation

The entire kingdom was excited because today was the day that the eldest princess, Elsa, would be crowned queen.

And no one was as excited as Anna.

Julie woke up early after another bad dream that she had that night.

She dreamt of a dark castle that had a dark symbol on it that resembled the one on her hand. Inside the castle was a silhouette of two girls. One was white while the other was black. Their posture looked so queenly.

After a moment, the castle turned black as a dark shadow covered the entire thing and everything went black.

Julie woke up before anything else happened.

Now she was just strolling through the castle. Talking to the maids and servants who were awake at the time of day that she was. She was waiting for the sun to come up so she could get dressed in time for the ceremony.

She was walking back to her room when she found herself in front of Elsa's door.

She didn't want to bother her, so she just tried to walk away until she saw the door crack open a bit.

Julie tried to walk away before Elsa spotted her, but she did.

"Julie?" Elsa said. "What are you doing up at this time?"

Julie turned around to face her sister.

"Uh...I couldn't sleep," she replied, "I had a bad dream."

Elsa hesitated for a moment before opening her door for Julie to go in.

"I couldn't sleep either," she said. "All this pressure about becoming queen is keeping me awake."

Julie chuckled as she hesitantly went inside Elsa's room.

Elsa closed and locked her door as Julie went inside.

Julie gasped as she looked at what Elsa did to her room. Everything was covered in ice.

"Oh dear," she said, "you did this or did it become too cold?"

Elsa scoffed.

"I wish the latter happened," she said as she sat down on her frozen bed.

Julie gasped.

"That's why you hid in your room?" she asked. "Because you have magic?"

Elsa was quiet but nodded.

Julie was silent for a moment before she started laughing. Elsa looked at her confused as she fell on the floor laughing.

"Oh, thank goodness!" she exclaimed, "I thought it was something I did! What did you do? Freeze one of the maids' bottoms?"

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