

A scream from his son snapped Wasuke back to reality. He immediately began searching for the medicine box that Jin kept in his room.

With great caution, he carefully retrieved the medicine from underneath his son's bed, making sure not to disturb his two grandsons, Sukuna and Yuuji, who were still fast asleep on the nearby bed.

Wasuke closed the door to his son's room softly before rushing downstairs to the first floor. In the living room, he saw his son, Jin, who had already undressed the red-headed woman and was carefully cleaning her body with a wet cloth dipped in water to prevent any infections.

"Oh, thanks, Dad. Don't worry, I'll take it from here," Jin said as he took the box of medicine from Wasuke's hand and began treating the woman's wounds with the supplies in the box.

Wasuke observed his focused son attentively tending to the woman's injuries. Her body was covered in cuts and the most severe one was on her stomach.

It seemed someone had a deep hatred for this red-haired woman, inflicting such severe wounds. It was the first time Wasuke had seen someone injured to this extent.

She looked like she had just come from a war.

Wasuke himself doubted whether she would survive and breathe the next day. About an hour later, Wasuke looked at his son, who had just finished stitching up the woman's worst wound and wrapped it with a bandage. They had run out of bandages that night due to the numerous injuries sustained by the red-haired woman.

"Oh, dad, you're still awake? Remember the doctor's advice to sleep on time and not stay up too late," Jin said, realizing that his father was still awake. Jin had been so focused on treating the woman's wounds that he hadn't noticed Wasuke's presence.

"Forget about the doctor's advice. I'm more experienced than any doctor. I know my physical limits very well. Besides, how can I sleep when I see you coming in like this? Who is that woman? Where's your supposed girlfriend? Weren't you supposed to go on a date with her?" Wasuke asked, questioning his son.

Upon hearing his father's response and questions, Jin could only shake his head, frustrated by his father's disregard for his own well-being and apparent animosity towards Hana, his girlfriend.

"Hana didn't come to the park tonight. Maybe she's busy-"

"Forget it, your Hana only came here to drop off her two kids before disappearing who knows where! Do you still think she'll come on a date after abandoning Yuuji and Sukuna here? I'm sure she's out partying at some nightclub, with shady men, offering herself to others behind your back," Wasuke interrupted angrily.

"ENOUGH, DAD!" Jin shouted. Wasuke immediately fell silent and stared sharply at his son.

"That's enough, Father. I understand you've never liked Hana. But she's the one who filled the void in my heart after Rui passed away. Hana is also the one who gave you your grandchildren, Yuuji and Sukuna. I know she has her flaws, but I love her. Without her, I might still be consumed by thoughts of Rui's death for the rest of my life," Jin said, tears streaming down his face as he remembered his tragically departed first love.

Wasuke remained silent and walked towards his bedroom. Before closing the door, he said to his son, "Just so you know, my instincts are always right about someone's true nature and character. So don't come running to me, crying and complaining, when Hana's true colors come out and break your heart."


Jin could only watch as his father's bedroom door slammed shut loudly. Jin's evening took a turn for the worse. Feeling defeated, he found himself sitting on the floor in the living room, impacted by the hurtful words his father had just uttered.

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