Lesson 2 - Flirting 101

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Flirting 101

Simone's POV

I was irritable. Lala was pissing me off with her bad mouthing Coco when she barely knows her. I had to kick her out of before I popped her in the mouth.

The worst part is we both work at the DA office so we'll have to see each other. If she's still talking shit, she might get hit.

The only good thing is we work two separate positions. I'm the Law Office Supervisor and she works as the Database Administrator in a different department.

I walked into the kitchen, grabbing a piece of toast and buttering it. I just wanted to see Coco again to be quite honest but I know she goes to college and I have to work so I can't until later on tonight.

Today's lesson is flirting 101. I couldn't help but wonder if she's ever flirted with someome intentionally or if it's all been accidentally and the adorable innocent kind.

I shook my head free from those thoughts, ate my toast and downed my mug of coffee. I looked at the clock, I had 40 minutes to get to work which meant if I didn't hurry I'd be late.

After showering and putting my hair in a bun, I pulled on a light grey pencil skirt, white button up shirt, and pale pink heels. I brushed my teeth and did my makeup at the same time. I ran from the apartment and outside to my car.

I walked into the building three minutes early and went to my office. I groaned when I saw Lala sitting there. She had two cups of coffee and a box of Krispy Kreme donuts.

"Hey, I'm sorry about yesterday. I was a little upset because I didn't get laid yesterday." Lala said, handing me the coffee.

I shrug, "It's fine, just don't do it again."

Lala smiled, hugging me and walking out of my office. Something told me this wouldn't be the last time she bad mouthed Coco. She never liked anyone I dated but Coco was different.

I've only known her two days and I want to spend more time with her. Usually, I want to get rid of a girl after one night but now I just want to spend all of my time with her.

I was bored already. I didn't want to type of these damn subpoenas but I needed to.

Why must work be so boring? But I had to do my job, many people think I'm too young to have this job.

I don't think I am, I graduated from high school at the prime age of 17 and graduated law school by the time I was 25. Then I worked for my father, who had my position before me, until I was 29. The same year I was promoted to the position under mine, Superior Legal Assistant. This year when I turned 30, my dad retired and I was hired for the job.

Many people hated it and said it was because my father had my job before me and that my mom was one of the DAs top prosecutors but I'd like to think it was all of my hard work. Maybe one day, I'll actually be a lawyer so I can be a judge instead of retiring.

Skipping lunch to finish my work, Lala came in with my favorite salad from Panera Bread.

"Is that a strawberry poppy seed and chicken salad I see?" I joked, accepting it from her hands.

"Yes, yes it is. Now, that'll be 9.65." she joked back, sitting across from me with her salad.

I chuckled, accepting the bottle of sparkling water from downstairs. "So, who'd you go out with on Saturday?"

"Jacob." She said, referring to the man who had moved in next door to her last month.

I swallowed the salad before responding, "What happened?"

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