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 Ricky smiled as Jiwoong walked inside the living room of his family's house. The older boy looked around in awe, it was only the second time he was visiting his boyfriend but he certainly was not used to such a big and fancy place. It was already dark as the Saturday afternoon was coming to an end and the boy was supposed to be home alone, since his parents had decided to take a small trip to celebrate their anniversary and gave the employees the weekend off.

"Make yourself at home, hyung! Do you want a glass of wine? We just got this red blend from Tuscany," he said, guiding his boyfriend to a home theater room and going towards the kitchen.

"Yes, please..." Jiwoong answered quietly, awkwardly sitting on the big L-shaped couch, feeling a little intimidated.

"Wanna order dinner or just watch the movie? Something to snack on, maybe? You can choose the movie, by the way," Ricky asked from the kitchen, as he opened the bottle of wine.

"Snacks would be great," Jiwoong smiled a little, remote in hand browsing on Netflix, as he tried to ease himself a little more on the sofa.

After a few minutes, a romance movie ready to be played on the screen, Ricky comes into the room with a tray containing a bottle of wine, two glasses and a platter of cheese, cured meats, nuts and grapes. Jiwoong looked puzzled at the food, still hoping for a good old bag of chips, but managed to hide his disappointment.

"Oh, good choice! I haven't seen this movie, but I'm happy it's not horror. Everytime I try to watch a movie with my parents, they only want to watch horror, ever since I was a kid..." Ricky chuckles, remembering his childhood, as he dimmed the lights through his phone.

Jiwoong nodded, taking a sip of the wine and feeling the warmth spread through his chest. He tried to relax, still feeling a little out of place in such a fancy setting. "Your parents like horror movies?" He asked, curious.

"Yeah, they are obsessed with them. I don't really like it, but I watch with them sometimes. It wouldn't be so bad if I had someone to cling to..." Ricky grinned, taking a piece of cheese and offering it to Jiwoong.

The movie started playing and the two boys snuggled closer together, enjoying the story unfolding on the screen. Jiwoong felt more comfortable now, enjoying the cozy atmosphere and the company of his boyfriend.

When the movie ended, Ricky turned off the TV and turned to Jiwoong with a hopeful glint in his eyes. "So... It's still early, I was thinking maybe we could do something else, what do you think? Maybe... Do you want to play a game or something?" He asked. Jiwoong raised an eyebrow, not sure what to expect, but only nodded in response. "Okay... What kind of game?" Ricky asked, cautiously.

"Maybe... truth or dare," Jiwoong leaned closer, whispering in his ear.

Ricky blushed, feeling his heart race. He was a little nervous about what kind of dares Jiwoong would come up with but he didn't want to appear weak, so he nodded bravely. "Okay, let's do it."

Jiwoong grinned, happy to see his boyfriend game for anything. He took a deep breath, trying to think of a good question, before asking, "Okay. Truth or dare?"

Ricky hesitated for a moment, then decided to go for truth.

Jiwoong pretended to pout. "Ah, you're no fun. Okay, let me think," he placed his index finger under his chin, "If you could have any superpower, what would it be?"

Ricky smiled, relieved that the question was not anything embarrassing. "Who's no fun now? Anyway, I think I would like to fly. It would be so cool to be able to see the world from above. What about you?"

Jiwoong thought for a moment, "I think I would like to be invisible. Just imagine all the things you could do without being seen..."

Ricky raised an eyebrow, wondering what kind of mischief Jiwoong had in mind. "Okay, my turn. Truth or dare?"

"Dare," Jiwoong answered with a mischievous grin.

Ricky took a deep breath, feeling a little nervous. He had to come up with a good dare, something that would be fun but not too embarrassing, "I dare you to... kiss me."

Jiwoong's eyes widened, surprised by the sudden boldness of his boyfriend. But he quickly recovered, leaning in and pressing his lips to Ricky's. The kiss was soft at first, then became more passionate as they both let go of their inhibitions. When they finally broke apart, both boys were breathless and smiling.

"Okay, moving on... Truth or dare?" Jiwoong asked, feeling a little giddy from the kiss.

Ricky thought for a moment, then decided to take a risk and chose, "Dare."

Jiwoong grinned, feeling a rush of excitement, "I dare you to... take off your shirt."

Ricky hesitated for a moment, then shrugged and lifted his shirt over his head, revealing his slim abs and chest. Jiwoong couldn't help but stare, feeling a mix of admiration and desire.

"Wow, you look amazing," he whispered, reaching out to touch Ricky's skin. Ricky shivered at the touch, feeling his own desire starting to build. He leaned in and kissed Jiwoong again, this time more passionately, his hands running over Jiwoong's body. Jiwoong moaned softly, feeling a rush of pleasure coursing through him.

As the night went on, the two boys continued to play truth or dare, each dare becoming bolder and more exciting than the last. They explored each other's bodies, discovering new sensations and pleasures. Finally, as the first light of dawn began to filter through the windows, they collapsed together, spent and happy.

Ricky looked at Jiwoong with a smile and whispered, "I'm so happy you came over," kissing his lips softly.

"Me too. This was amazing," Jiwoong smiled back, feeling a sense of contentment. They cuddled together as the sun rose higher in the sky, finally falling asleep.

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