Not So Alone

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My bones to break and my hand do shake

As I lie in the wake of time's cruel slaughter

But if I die before I wake

I'm gonna see my Caroline

(Caroline - Colter Wall)

An ear splitting roar had Daenerys' eyes shooting open and the dragon dozing next to her starting at the sound. They both leapt into action and as soon as Daenerys was on Drogon's back they were skyrocketing through the air towards the call. It was much closer than it had been the last time they had heard it except now it had an air of pain to it, which sent both the dragon and his rider into a frenzy to find their missing family before something terrible happened. After all, neither of them knew what dangers this world could bring them and it scared them both endlessly.

It wasn't until later, when the night was fixing to give way to daylight, that they found one another, and it seemed that one was indeed in need of rescue.

There, on a barren cliffside close to crumbling beneath him, was Rhaegal, a vibrant green with bronze accents that shimmered in the moonlight that still shone above them. Those scales were marred, though, by the black blood of the creatures around him. He was doing everything he could do to get rid of them, swatting at them like flies, snapping his jaws and occasionally letting out a burst of flame, but they were too many and he was slowly starting to be overpowered.

The crawling creatures themselves were not much to look at individually, in fact they were quite hideous with their hunched, stunted forms and skin that looked to be diseased. They likely wouldn't be much of a threat on their own, but they swarmed Rhaegal weighing him down, nearly covering all of him so only a sliver of scales could be seen and trying to find any chink in his scales they can with their crude weapons. They were going after every soft surface they could reach, which wasn't much but enough, including the wings, eyes, nostrils, and mouth so the green dragon had to keep his wings clenched tight to his body, and his mouth shut tight except for the occasional spurt of fire when he could manage it. All of this meant that he was essentially a sitting duck, a really big, fire-breathing duck.

Having seen the situation, Drogon sounded his fury at the condition his brother was in and promptly set the surrounding creatures on fire, making a flaming barrier around his brother so hot the rocks glowed red with heat. The creatures on Rhaegal stopped their assault to take stock of the new threat and the damage that he had already wrought. When they saw their comrades in flames around them, and another, bigger dragon looming over them in the sky, the creatures screamed and tried to run, scattering like the vermin they were. Daenerys smiled as they too met their fate in burning fire, relishing in their screams and the following silence that came when they were well and dead.

She had meant what she had said the night before, evidently Drogon agreed fervently.

Drogon landed, having done his part in helping his brother and as soon as his mother was off his back he lumbered over to Rhaegal, nipping at each other playfully. Once they were done, the green and bronze dragon turned his great head towards the rock where his mother sat, waiting for her boys to finish getting reacquainted with each other. Her violet eyes sparkled with relief and happiness at seeing him safe and in her presence again.

Rhaegal moved slowly towards her as she got up carefully from the rock. She knew that Rhaegal was always the most temperamental and aggressive of her children, but she loved him just the same as the others. She walked calmly to him even though her heart was beating out of her chest, and when she reached him, she did the same thing she did with Drogon when they first woke up. She lifted her hand, and gently placed it on the snout of Rhaegal, and even though he didn't have the bond she and Drogon had, his eyes softened just a bit. He had missed her, the same as she had missed him, her warrior, her son.

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