"Izzy!"i cringe when i hear that voice.i don't hate her,but i hate just how fake she is,it bothers me cause she bothers Liz.a lot.like she's obsessed with her.

"Allen"Liz nods already bored by her presence.
"Austin told me that you guys went out,are we gonna be sisters!"
Liz rolled her eyes at that.
"He drove me to the Target cause I needed a ride and he just so happened to have a car at the moment but"she shrugged.some people just have thick fucking skulls,it's better to leave it.

But i low key know that Allen's brother has some hots for my best friend.and so does any man with eyes.it's always been the popular people trying to get Liz's attention since middle school,but of course liz ignored any prospect that might ruin her peace since that big fight we once had before high school.it really broke us and made us realise a lot of things.

Allen just shrugs walking past me,and by walking past i mean pushing past my shoulder.
I smirk.she's just jealous that my best friend is my best friend.


I was having fun.i drank one shot and danced along with the crowd when DJ went viral.so long there wasn't any problem and Liz was enjoying her time too.a few guys approached but i smiled politely and told them that i want to use the bathroom.i peed five times just because i went to the bathroom that many times.i just can't not pee when i go to the bathroom.but at the same time i can hold pee for like a whole day.

"The party has only begun"Liz motioned to the entrance when the whole crowd started hollering,boys screaming and the girls squealing.i watch with mild interest already knowing what's gonna happen.

Only one group gets such attention from the whole student committee.i knew they were famous,just didn't get the chance to see how much cause they're barely at college and I'm barely at any student gathering.now that i see,I'm curious.

"What do they actually do?beyond modelling and influencing"not Kidding,they do look the part,my whole feed is filled with their presence after all.Liz nodded.

"That,and heirs to great fortune.that's it"she mutters eyeing Eryx Jason Moore as he kisses Ciara Landon on the lips.

Naturally I wouldn't have given an second thought while that happened,but I know liz,and the way she averted her eyes was something.
I'm a little more curious now.

"Do you know him?"

"Who"her attention turns to me.

"No.I don't"i know that she doesn't,she's always with me and i know everything that she does,but why do i get the feeling that she's lying.
Never mind.my mind is a place full of uncertainty anyway.

"They go big right?"
i look at Liz when she says that.

"They rarely come but if they do then"she motions to the crowd which has parted to give them way.i heard that they're too dangerous to cross.no wonder.and i lowkey came to this party curious to my bones how the squad looked in real life after Liz said that they were in town and they were coming.It's weird.I've heard about them,our famous seniors,have seen their social media accounts too,but it's the first time I'm seeing them in flesh,it's kind of hard to believe that they're real.the low key gods.

Eryx Jason Moore, Ashton Lima Lazarus, Yeomra Kim, Rune Michael Kingston and.

Liz leans in to whisper something.i hear her half way but I'm thrown off guard when they approach our way,my attention no longer on Liz.i hold my breath,my gaze held by one boy's eyes that sweeps over something beyond my skin as i stare back into endless darkness.he walks by.followed by his friends.

Beyond your BluesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora