Chapter 10: Concerned Friends

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In the bustling hallways of the school, Sameer and Riya exchanged puzzled glances as Arjun's absence stretched into days. Their worry deepened, prompting them to take matters into their own hands.

Sameer, furrowing his brow: "Have you noticed Arjun's been missing for quite some time now?"

Riya, nodding: "Yeah, I tried calling him, but his phone's off. It's not like him to just vanish."

Sameer, with concern: "We should check on him. Maybe something's wrong."

Chapter 2.5: Unexpected Encounter

Sameer pressed the doorbell, the chime echoing through the quiet corridors of Arjun's home. The door creaked open, revealing a figure that stood in stark contrast to the Arjun they knew.

Aria, with a wig of flowing hair and the unfamiliar attire, greeted them with a hesitant smile. Sameer and Riya, momentarily speechless, stared at the transformed figure before them.

Sameer, finally breaking the silence: "Uh, hi. We were looking for Arjun. Is he around?"

Aria, a touch of hesitation in her voice: "Arjun? Oh, he's not here. It's Aria now."

Riya, puzzled: "Aria? What's going on?"

Aria, explaining with a forced smile: "It's a family matter, and there's been a change. You may not recognize me."

Sameer and Riya exchanged glances, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place. It took a moment, but realization dawned on their faces.

Sameer, stunned: "Wait, you're Arjun?"

Aria, nodding: "Yeah, it's me. There's been a transformation, as my mom puts it."

Riya, still processing: "Wow, it's... I mean, you look..."

Sameer, finishing her sentence: "Different. Really different."

Riya, "And beautiful."

As the shock subsided, Sameer and Riya found themselves facing a friend they thought they knew, now cloaked in a facade that defied their expectations. The air buzzed with unspoken questions, and the doorway held the weight of a revelation that would redefine their friendship with Arjun, now Aria.

Sameer and Riya, still grappling with the shock of Arjun's transformation, couldn't contain their curiosity.

Sameer, cautiously: "Arjun, why are you dressed like this? What's happening?"

Riya, adding her concern: "Yeah, we're really confused here. Can you explain?"

Aria's eyes flashed with a mix of anger and frustration. The facade of patience crumbled as she unleashed the torrent of emotions that had been building within.

Aria, fiercely: "You want an explanation? Fine! This is the result of your influence, your bad habits that I stupidly picked up. My parents did this to teach me a lesson, and you two played a major role in it."

Sameer and Riya, taken aback: "What? Us?"

Aria, accusingly: "Yes, you! The bad-mouthing, the disrespect—I learned it all from you guys. And now, I'm paying the price for it."

Riya, trying to understand: "Arjun, we didn't mean for this to happen. It was just harmless fun."

Aria, with bitter sarcasm: "Fun? This is not fun! You think it's a joke? Look at me! I blame both of you for leading me down this path."

Sameer, remorseful: "Arjun, we never thought it would go this far. We're sorry if our actions contributed to this."

Aria, seething: "Sorry doesn't change anything. I have to live with this now. Just leave me alone."

As Aria slammed the door shut, the weight of her fury echoed in thesilence that settled over the doorway. The revelation left Sameer and Riyagrappling with the consequences of their influence, realizing that theirseemingly harmless actions had unraveled into a life-altering transformationfor their friend.

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