Chapter 2: A Parental Pact

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In the quiet of their dimly lit bedroom, Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor sat on the edge of their bed, a shared concern etched across their faces.

Mrs. Kapoor, sighing: "This can't go on, Ravi. Arjun's becoming someone we don't even recognize."

Mr. Kapoor, nodding: "I know, Seema. We need to do something before it's too late. He's heading down a dangerous path."

Mrs. Kapoor, determined: "But how do we get through to him? Talking doesn't work anymore."

Mr. Kapoor, pondering: "Maybe we need to make him see the consequences of his actions. Something that shakes him to the core."

Mrs. Kapoor, hesitating: "Ravi, I can't bear to see him suffer. But if it's the only way..."

Mr. Kapoor, resolute: "Seema, we need to teach him a lesson about responsibility and gratitude. He's taken everything for granted."

They exchanged a knowing look, a silent agreement passing between them.

Mrs. Kapoor, softening: "But how do we do it without pushing him away further?"

Mr. Kapoor, with a plan forming: "What if... what if we create a situation that challenges him, forces him to reassess his priorities?"

Mrs. Kapoor, intrigued: "Like what?"

Mr. Kapoor, outlining: "We need to make him realize the value of family, the importance of gratitude. It won't be easy, but it might be the wake-up call he needs."

As the couple delved into their clandestine conversation, they forged a plan that would set in motion the unconventional measures destined to reshape Arjun's life

In the dimly lit room, Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor continued their intense discussion, the weight of their decision palpable in the air.

Mr. Kapoor, contemplating: "What if... What if we make him experience life from a completely different perspective? Force him to walk in someone else's shoes?"

Mrs. Kapoor, intrigued: "Go on."

Mr. Kapoor, unfolding the plan: "What if we dress him as a girl? Make him see the challenges women face in our society. It could be a wake-up call."

Mrs. Kapoor, uncertain: "But how does that teach him about gratitude and family?"

Mr. Kapoor, connecting the dots: "We take it a step further. I have a friend, Rohit, in another city. Arjun doesn't know him. What if we send him there, under the guise of being sold to him as a girl?"

Mrs. Kapoor, shocked: "What do you mean sell him to Rohit?"

Mr. Kapoor, cautiously: "Not actually sell, Seema. More like a temporary arrangement, a lesson he won't forget. Rohit will treat him with kindness, make him understand the value of family."

Mrs. Kapoor, hesitating: "But what about Arjun thinking he's being sold forever? Won't that be too harsh?"

Mr. Kapoor, reluctantly: "It has to be convincing, Seema. He needs to believe it's a life-altering decision. Only then will he truly appreciate what he has."

As the couple grappled with the morality of their plan, they decided onthe drastic measures that would reshape Arjun's life, setting the stage for alesson he could never have anticipated.

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