Chapter 1: Arrival of the Western Powers

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Thursday, 24  March 2022

1.1 Stability and Prosperity of Our Country

💜💗A reminder that this is from my notebook. However, most/some of the stuff that I put into my note are from a history textbook. Naturally, there will be some simplicity, commentary and extra notes.


Our country has a stable government and administration system. The stability of the government and administration system is the result of the government's wisdom. They are ready to join hands with the people to develop to state. Also, the state's prosperity comes from the resources of the earth and natural products that are used to advance the economy. Besides, the peak of prosperity is the development/progress and glory of intellectual activity.

Intellectual meaning: Involving a person's ability to think and to understand ideas and information.

System administration meaning: The field of work in which someone manages one or more systems, be they software, hardware, servers or workstations. Examples: Filing and record keeping, office correspondence, visitor and phone call management, internal communication, financial management and other administrative duties.


Our country has inherited a stable system of monarchy and administration. The government system, the trading system and the social structure of society are organized systematically. This is supported by the consensus between the ruling class and the ruled. As a result, external relations can be established effectively.

Monarchy meaning: A supreme ruler head of state, especially a king, queen, or emperor.

Consensus meaning: A general agreement

♦♢Government System dan Social Structure♢♦

The pattern of the government system in our country has a lot to do with the formation of the layers of society. Our country practices a monarchy system inherited from the Malay Sultanate of Malacca/MSM(Kesultanan Melayu Melaka, KMM). Sarawak and Sabah have had earlier local community government systems. This you have learned while in Form 2. (And I honestly don't remember a single shit)

What do Sarawak and Sabah have to do with Malaysia? (I asked this question because, on the map, they are on separate islands)

Answer: To keep it simple, Sabah and Sarawak decided to join the Malaysian family for better protection(like: More rights, creating a larger political party, etc...) and sharing resources so they had an agreement that everyone could benefit if they all stuck together.

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