The Elevator Plan

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Net's P.O.V 

i watched James enter the condo building. he looked sooo cute with his little office id lanyard i especially bought for him....but.....the only thing is he doesn't know that i bought it for him as i bought one for everyone in the office.But! i did buy mine and his only in the color red and everyone else had a blue one soooo we are kinda looking like a couple most of the time so i say it's a win in my book!

"hi James " i said kinda nervous but still casual as to not look weird or off in any way

"hi boss, i was just going to grab some food before heading upstairs...." suddenly after a short pause he asked me something that made me wanna start levitating!

"umm........ you...wanna grab some food with me " 

IS THIS A DATE!!??? did he just ask me out??? look! he obviously doesn't have any feelings for me or else how can he ask me that so easily???

James's P.O.V

Oh My God!!! i really did it!!i had a normal conversation with him......but WAIT!!! I just asked him out to grab some food with me!!!! God why did i suddenly say that, not that i really said that suddenly but I said it already!!

" know what, Sure!!" 

he-he said WHAT!!??!?he actually agreed! what? you know what, if he had feelings for me he wouldn't say that so easily.

Author's P.O.V

they reached the mall and actually quite enjoyed each others company a lot. whatever James pointed towards and said he liked Net grabbed like he's gonna buy the whole mall for James. which he would, he would buy anything in this world that was possible to buy for James like it was nothing...
this kinda conserned James as he thought he was paying but little did he know Net had other plans as when they reached the counter Net pulled out one of his many credit cards

" i'll pay for don't need to worry about money when you're with me " said Net with the most genuine smile on his face that just made James melt 

James's P.O.V 

whoever this man will marry will be the luckiest person.Wait! i have to be that person! i should confess! Yes! i'll do it today. wait no. i have to execute the plan first. i already paid the man so can't back down now anyway.....

"let's go up together" i said with a smile 

" sure " said Net while going towards the stairs...which was weird cuz we had to go up 2 floors and it interfered with my plan to confess anyway...

"where are you going?" i asked him confused

"oo i'm kinda claustrophobic so i'd rather take the stairs " he said explaining as to why he can't take the elevator

"oh i'm sorry i didn't know that but that explains you fit bod--umm-ahm-- i mean you lo-look fit and now i know why" i said with an embarrassed smile as an attempt to hide my cherry red face..yeah i get flustered easily but especially when it's about Him...

"but can we just take the elevator, we've got so much stuff to carry up" i pleaded hoping he would agree and..... he did!

while we were in the elevator it suddenly stopped...just as i planned..umm...yeah i payed a guy to do this telling him that i wanted to make up with my boyfriend but it was for the best, at least that's what i thought......
when i looked towards Net, he started almost having a panic attack and i dropped everything that was in my hands and rushed towards him and without think i-i-i kissed him! 
yeah judge me all you want but i'm pretty sure i saw somewhere that it helps when you kiss someone who's having a possible panic attack.

Net's P.O.V 

did he- he just kissed ME!!! Oh My God!!! didn't think that this would be the way we kissed for the first time but i don't mind it that much.....
i didn't even realize when the elevator started working again but i didn't care at this point and i kept kissing James with my best skills which i sharpened just for him(the love of my life) for the past 25 years of my life. i kissed him with full passion as i had been waiting for this for the past 2 years 
but i soon came back to my senses when.....

"don't look honey- don't look" i heard a woman say to her daughter as the elevator made a ding sound
I quickly got up holding James by the shoulders, taking the food in one hand and quickly rushed out holding James's hand in my other hand. then i took him to my condo and locked the door behind me and then i took him to my room also locking it
and said....

heheheheh..... left y'all at a cliffhanger. i am seriously so
sorry for this(not really hehe) but i hope you'll enjoy this
chapter as much as you enjoyed the last one. peace out and
keep watch for the next chapter. i have some plans for that
chapter but this week for me is really busy but i'll try my best
to keep writing for y'all.

Luv y'all!!! byeee

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