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James's P.O.V

ok! i just have to walk up and say hello to him it's not that's not! 

"hi............Tutor" i blurted out the wrong name!

 i internally face palmed myself when i couldn't say Net's name.

"hey....James" replied Tutor...... yeah we're not really close...hmmm...i'm closer to his boyfriend tho cuz he's my childhood friend and Tutor is Net's childhood friends. 

it's just another human being the only thing is you've been having a crush on him for almost 2 years now. No biggy....oh who am i kidding i'm about to pass out!!!!!

"hi.......Tutor ,what's up man?" ughhhhh again the wrong name!!!

"yeah i'm fine man but you seem kinda stressed out, everything okay?" said Yim in a kind of playful yet conserned tone

"nah man i'm fine just a lot of work know how much the boss loves my work." i said looking at the boss standing next to them but then quickly changed my gaze so he won't see my love filled eyes.

"dude you sure it's just work that he likes??" Both boyfriends said in a playful tone literally ignoring the existence of the boss standing right next to them.

"ummm... guys he's literally behind you guys maybe a little respect would be nice?"i said pleadingly as to hope my friends would stop making me blush at the fake hope of my crush actually liking me 

Net's P.O.V

awwww he looks so cute trying to fight for a bit respect for me from these little demons!!

"he's our friend chill, James. he won't possibly mind us talking about him infront of him, at least we aren't talking behind his back" as expected from a childhood friend to say about his dear friend *insert magic sound*

"if you don't want to get fired then you better stop talking about me in the first place " i said in the most stern boss yet kind of friendly tone, as to not scare my dear James.

Author's P.O.V 

after hearing that reaction all of them ran to their little workspace. as it is The Net's company and he loves his laid back attitude so he just made an office in which you can just go work anywhere in the company building......and his company does not have those enclosed cubes as little work spaces as he thought that would be too suffocating as he himself is a bit claustraphobic since he got stuck in an elevator when he was young..

2 hours later.........................  * in sponge bob sound*

"he's soooo cute dude" Net said to Tutor 

" then just confess to him dude " said Tutor bored by always hearing the same thing on repeat for the 900th time 

" confess?hmmm... maybe i should try that tho....i have been in love with him for like what 2 YEARS!!!!!" he said really streching the last part of his sentence.

"yeah.... WAIT! you're actually considering what i just said after me telling you the same thing for the 900th time!!" said Tutor as he has already tried to make him confess to his crush so he can be freed from always hearing praises about James fro the past whole ass 2 years of his life.

on the other hand......

"CONFESS!!!!!" Yim screamed getting almost all the people's attention in his surroundings 

" hey, quite!!" James whisper screamed upon getting such a reaction from Yim on his proposal to confess to his 2 year long crush.

Yim mouthed a 'sorry' and then continued with his overly dramatic reaction as he didn't just make this plan to make them confess to eachother with his boyfriend, like what five minutes ago or something but for him it became easier as James had already made up his mind to confess.

" okokok  i get Why you wanna confess but How are you gonna confess?" both boyfriends said to their friends like they're some telekinetic couple or something.

"just wait and see!" both the secret crushers said together to their friends.

"but i need to think how execute my plan as it might risk my life" said Net to his friend

"dude you know you really don't need to risk your mental health just for a confession, right?"said Tutor in a very non-chalant way 

" well, Love can make you do crazy things" 

ok just tell me if y'all would like me to continue writing this or
 not cuz this was just a spir of the moment desicion and also 
i"m writing this at like 3 am so excuse me almost cringing 
over my own made up lines even if them saying the same 
thing was my idea i resent myself for it

Mission: Confess!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora