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Dates are important ❣️

Dates are important ❣️

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1730 First meeting.

When the Bloody Moon was at its highest, Min Yoongi quickly disappeared into the depths of the Broken forest to hide the smell of blood flowing from his shoulder. He was sure that if his half-vampire brother caught his scent, everything would be ruined. He didn't know what to do with the shock he was experiencing. When he realized that he couldn't hide his bleeding shoulder from anyone, he knew that it was impossible to escape.

Still, deep in the Broken forest, he ran towards places that had never been trodden before. He was fast. The snow level was increasing deeper into the forest. He thought he couldn't go back in this state. He had to hide in a sheltered place and take care of himself, at least until he stopped his bleeding, and of course, since he broke while trying to remove the arrow stuck in his shoulder, the pain of the arrow still stuck in his shoulder restricted his movements.

He was losing blood for the first time in his centuries-long life and was losing strength as if his entire soul had been ripped out. The first thing he had to do when he returned to the castle was to go to the centuries-old library and do research on the bleeding of vampires without getting caught by anyone.

The smell of his own blood prevented him from detecting other scents. Wounds that normally heal quickly were not healing. Vampires never had scars on their bodies. He couldn't make sense of this. He began to perceive the fact that everything was happening to him on the Bloody Moon as his own curse. When his efforts to keep his blood from dripping on the white snow began to fail, he saw the sight of a steamy, steaming small hut from a distance.

He wasn't aware that there was anyone living in this forest. He had never heard of anyone coming or hunting in this part of the forest before. Since losing blood during the Bloody Moon reduced his strength, he knew that the first thing he had to do was stop his bleeding and he had to feed!

Without wasting any time, he ran towards the hut and knocked on the door savagely. It didn't take long for him to realize from the smell of the air that a snowstorm was about to start again. The dim light seeping out of the small windows of the hut proved that there was someone inside. The dim light coming from the window was dimming, brightening and moving. Thus, he realized that the owner of the hut had taken the kerosene lamp that he had hung on the wall to illuminate the hut.

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