Chapter 2; Astray

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[New York Subway]
[03:29;01 - 2020]
[Sgt. Josh Hunt]
[1st Special Forces Operational Detachment - Delta]

The man seemed to be a normal New Yorker Josh thought. He and the team of 6 men had been assigned to capture the notorious terrorist since the FBI were busy with simultaneously capturing his known associates, that every intelligence agency had been trying to capture since 4 years ago; Khalid Al-Assad.

Accounts of multiple terrorist attacks on Europe with only One being successfully stopped by sheer luck from one of the Queen's guards, now Al-Assad has his sights on the United States.

"...Freddy is much better i told you," A passing civilian chats with his friends unknowingly passing in front of the team of Delta's.

"Hit on Blackberry, he's entering." A sudden voice comes from his ear. The team without anymore orders to stop them, came out of their hiding spot.

The men were wearing thick winter jackets typically worn on the winter months, although Inbetween the jackets and body of the team were vests, equipment, weapons and more but were mere invisible to the eye of the local civilians.

The station was moderate at least from Josh's eyes, about 30 people here from his guess. But that would be disturbed with a sudden transmission.

"Two is down, -Repeat, Echo Two is Down. Target Blackberry is running towards the tunnels." The sounds of shouting from the outside is heard inside the earpiece's, Josh's team leader; Khurt, instinctively unzipped and showed his gear above the civilian clothes he was wearing the same could be said with the team following him.

Several passers by looked at the team and were horrified thinking it was a terrorist attack, the team merely changing into a sprint after another transmission.

"All Units, Code; Surfer, he is in the Tunnels heading south. Team Echo is unable to pursue, Team Silver you are to capture him. Take him Alive," The voice of the operator spoke heavily, making the team only sigh.

Khalid was Ex-Spetnaz, trained closely with CQC, some arts, and is great with stealth. Having him in the tunnels complicated the order of capturing him alive.

"Good morning passengers, we are very sorry to announce that there is a problem. We are currently trying to fix this, so please exit the subway we will be back up and running later. Thank you," The speakers inside boomed a announcement making people leave, with some people running after seeing the team.

The team jumped down to the tracks switching on the flashlights mounted on their respective weapons. The team quietly walked, trying not to be heard by the now escaping Khalid.

"Josh take point," Josh's team leaders contacts him through the radio, Josh picked up his pace leading the team.

The sounds of silence only was heard inside the subway tunnels. The team leader switched off his flashlight making the others and Josh follow.

Now only pitch black blanketed the view of Josh only disturbed by sounds of water flowing through the pipes, when suddenly the noises stop.

He looks back trying to find his teammates figures, finding no one. He fears the worst and lays down to focus on the sounds.

Just as he lays down he feels himself floating before, Black. Nothingness is what he feels, his equipment feeling like he's wearing nothing...

[??:??;?? - 2027?]
[MSgt. Josh Hunt - KIA]
[1st Special Forces Operational Detachment - Delta]

Josh could barely remember anything, last he saw was a bullet just centimeters away from his eye before he blacked out.

He was stuck in a black and endless void, he had tried already slapping himself thinking it might wake him up.

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