Chapter Five (is this his room )

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Her and the maid went upstairs as they were going to her room they passed a long passage and in the passge they was a huge door there she was amazed and curious of what is going Tobe behind those doors but she couldn't care less as she knows she's just here Becouse she needs job and money. As they reached the maid opens the door as she said Ma here is your room and Lina thanked her as the maid went out and shut the door behind Lina. Looking at the room Lina was so mesmerized by the look of the room it was big even bigger than the whole place she was living before and the interior was just amazing and she can't wait to jump on that big lookg bed cause surly its going to be comfy. She saw two doors in the room and she opened one was the closet. As Lina widen her mouth cause the closet was just full with lots of cloths, shoes, bags, jewelry and they was a section that it's only personal care products that were arranged there. Lina entered as she began to check everything thinking is this even real.  Lina opened the other door as there was the luxurious looking bathroom with big bathtub as the first thing that came to her mind is to just take a shower. Lina took her bath and she dressed up in her own cloth that she brought as she decide to outside a just stroll a little, on her way there she was at that passage again looking at that huge door she wanted to just pass but she just couldn't stop herself so she opened the door as she entered there was huge huge huge!!! Looking room and by the look of the room you know this kind of room are meant for the house owners as she was looking around jaw drop. The room has this dark
Vibe, luxury and kinda scary feeling as she moves forward in the room she whisperd to herself is this his room? . A deep voice just answered yes its my room and what are you doing here

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