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                     Lina was an orphan whos parent left when she was 2, her uncle took care of her like his child since he had no child and his wife also past away. unfortunately he pass away also living her alone again, so Lina tries every way to take care of her self so she was in search of job. Lina was sweating due to the hot weather as a paper flew to her face stating available job for girls age 18 to 25 but the job type was not stated and unfortunately that day was the time giving for the interview, as she didn't west time and head to the address giving. Tony tries his possible way to help his master so he organized for interview. as she reach the office she was shock seeing lot of girls In que as she quickly pick a number and join the que. it was finally her turn as she was called and she head to the interview room, she sat down as she greets the gentle man seating. Tony on the other hand was mesmerized by that beauty but said to himself she has to pass the interview first but luckily she pass the beauty standards. as time flies questions and questions but she was acing all of them, Tony asks her the last question do u vow to stay loyal no matter what you are aske too, as she kept quiet for a moment and bow her head down and just think of her self and the situation she is in and answer saying yes I vow to. Tony whispers to himself saying SHE IS THE ONE.

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