I noticed Cylest has a weird accent and his English is poor. Does he mainly speak another language? I thought to myself as I followed him deeper into the forest. He strolled for a while before stopping and turning around. 

"Here is the third soul." Cylest said seriously.

I scanned my surroundings in search of the third soul. I saw a little pond with a waterfall. 

"I don't see anything."  I said disappointed.

"I'm not sure how to explain this to you."  Placing his hand on his chin, he spoke.

  "Cylest!" Cleo's scream was heard.

When I swiftly turned to face Cleo, she was sprinting in our direction. 

"Cleo, what's wrong?" Cylest asked, startled. 

"There are a lot of demons present." She claimed that she began making the exact same hand gestures that Cylest had previously used.  Her hands released a polearm.  The pink and gold polearm was nearly as tall as she was.  She stood firm and prepared to fight.  With the same gestures, Cylest raised his sword.  I raised my bow above my head and prepared to fire.  Numerous demons began to encircle us.  Cylest appeared frightened.

"We need to find a way to get out of here." Cylest said, Looking for a way out.

  I was tired of running away from these things.  Together, we can defeat them if we put in enough effort. 

"I'm tired of running Cylest!  You need to man up and fight!"   I screamed Irritated. 

He gave a small laugh. Confused, I turned to face him.  Why on earth would he be laughing during this kind of situation?

"That's funny, I can't man up because I'm a girl."  She explained. 

   I looked at her in absolute shock.

Cylest was a girl the entire time?  No, how could I have thought a girl was attractive? I really don't have time to ponder all of this at this time. Suddenly, a taller demon appeared in front of the other demons.

     "You have two choices: give us the crystals or perish." The demon spoke.

Cylest grinned. "Well, it seems like I'll just have to die."

She had a tail and cat ears and lowered herself to the ground.

The third soul, the panther, was Cylest.

I knew this was going to be a big fight, so I allowed my wolf spirit to take over and give me some more strength.

Either this battle will be my last, or it will be my greatest victory.  We are faced with so many demons attacking us at once.

  I took an arrow from my bag, held it over my head, pressed it up against my bow's string, and gave it a forceful pull back.  With perfect aim, I shot the arrow that  passed through the demon's head and doused the others in blood. 

The wolf spirit gave me incredible hearing, so I could tell where they were around me.  Right behind me, I heard running footsteps.  I was aware that the enemy would attack me by the time I turned around and pulled an arrow.  So I grabbed hold of my bow, swung it around, and struck them in the neck.  The demon fell to the ground after, The impact was so strong that their neck broke.

             I turned quickly and grabbed an arrow behind my head as more came sprinting in my direction.  After Cylest cleared her space, I turned to look at her. Since I couldn't fight close range, I ran in her direction. When Cylest saw me running towards her, she saw what was wrong and came to address it right away. She shot by me in the direction of the demons.  Their knives and claws swung toward her, but before they could strike her, she dropped to the ground sliding past them and used her claws to cut their ankles.  In three seconds, five demons were on the ground.

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