Three: A Poison Tree

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"I was angry with my friend;
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow."

-William Blake

'A Poison Tree'


The dragon, almost human in appearance, lurked in the shadows, her eyes glowing with the fire from within her. To the humans of the world she was just a lost woman but the animals of the woods cowered in fear, recognising a being more powerful than anything else they knew. Their primal instincts trying to save them from a horrifying fate. The humans however were blinded by their false sense of superiority and they succumbed to insatiable curiosity.

A young man, clad in an audacious orange jacket that now seemed a sacrificial shroud, unknowingly danced with death. His short, dark brown hair and well-groomed beard framed a face that exuded false confidence, oblivious to the abyss that loomed. He made his camp within the dragons new territory, a choice that would have him fall into the hands of death.

As the moon plunged into a sea of ominous clouds, the forest fell into a sepulchral hush. The dragon, roused by the scent of intrusion, slithered forth with a grotesque grace, her form shifting between human allure and abominable terror. The air itself recoiled as she approached, the very essence of malevolence.

As the fire's light flickered across the young mans face a chill of terror slivered down his back. The ignored instincts screaming at him as he sat there frozen. He wanted to run but he couldn't move as his eyes met the hers.

She didn't look at him long before she attacked him, her claws were quick to tear through the flesh of his chest, blood escaped the wounds left by her claws, a scream was trying to leave his throat as her teeth tore through the man's neck. She did not stop her feast until his life left his eyes and his heart stopped. Something that he wished for as the dragon tore through him. The fire that erupted from her throat reflected in his lifeless eyes and he was no more.

Perhaps if he did not wander too far he would have lived through the horrors that the forest housed.


Hopes Pov

Hope stood looking out of the window of the school counsellor's office, her mind running far faster than it should be able to. Her overthinking causing arguments in her mind. She does not control the actions of other people, she knows that but it feels like it is her fault. That she trusted someone that broke her trust. Again. It always happens, its like its an uncontrollable part of her life, its fated. Things go wrong when she puts her trust in people.  Landon took something that holds an unknown power and had left without anyone else having knowledge. Something was bound to go wrong so yes she is prepared to take care of it. Her history has made it so Hope is always prepared for the betrayal of someone she lets in.

""No legacy is so rich as honesty." When Shakespeare wrote that, he obviously didn't know what I know about teenage boys. I mean, I know there are guys with integrity, who lead with truth. I've just never met any of them." As Hope spoke she tried to think any man in her life that lead more with truth than anything else. She loved her family but they weren't the epitome of honesty although they had more integrity than her headmaster.

Emma looked at the Mikealson student with a look kinder than most counsellors hold in their eyes, "I see you've decided to double down on your nihilism this morning." Hope walked to the chair opposite the English school counsellor, "I'm trying to be rich with honesty" she replied. A reply that was utter bullshit but she was here because she used dark magic with Josie and she was not going to rat her out and she did what she had to. Hope felt guilt about a lot of things she's done in her life, her search for Landon was not one of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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